Home > How to Survive an Undead Honeymoon (The Beginner's Guide to Necromancy #8)(17)

How to Survive an Undead Honeymoon (The Beginner's Guide to Necromancy #8)(17)
Author: Hailey Edwards

From all appearances, they had killed Mr. Oliphant in a fit of temper. Linus had to believe that meant the vampires left empty-handed. But what had they wanted from these people? Had the Oliphants even known vampires existed? Or had they assumed the couple were demons come from hell?

All he knew for certain was the Rogoffs had gone through a lot of trouble to worm their way into the inn. They wanted to be present for the murderversary—tonight—but why?

Hood and Linus scoured the cottage from top to bottom, finding more than one secret cubby Mr. Oliphant hadn’t given up since their contents remained neat and organized. Paperwork in a large safe hidden under the floors contained the deed to the cottage, the inn, and the enormous land parcel where both sat. There were also stacks of one-hundred-dollar bills, more than enough to fund Kylie’s return to her mother.

But there was no damning evidence to explain what, exactly, the demon in the basement was or how it claimed its victims. There was no family grimoire or history or documentation to indicate how the Oliphants had become the custodians of the demon or how they learned of its existence in the first place.

“They kept no records.” The lack amazed Linus. “Theirs must be a completely oral history.”

“Whatever bedtime stories Kylie was hearing at night, they didn’t prepare her for this.” Hood flipped through another photo album then set it aside. “The poor kid is in over her head and sinking fast.”

“This might explain the vampires’ escalation from previous cycles.” Linus identified a packet at the bottom of the pile with a realtor’s logo on the front. A quick check confirmed his suspicions. “The Oliphants wanted out, or they wanted to get Kylie out.” He showed Hood the signed contract dated last week. “They sold the property.”

“That would definitely snatch a knot in their tails.” Hood tugged on one of the sandy-blond strands that had fallen over his shoulder. “Introducing themselves to you and Grier was a gamble. Killing on the property while you’re in residence? That’s suicide.”

“Yet they thought it was worth the risk.”

“If we’re right, and the Oliphants had no supernatural connections, they had no idea who you two are.” His gaze drifted toward the bodies. “But there’s not a necromancer or vampire alive who doesn’t know Grier’s name.” His focus shifted. “Or yours.”

The reminder gave him chills, and the void howled in his core, craving vengeance he would never taste for the harm dealt to Grier.

Lacroix and Odette had made certain before their deaths to expose her gifts to the Society. As rare as goddess-touched necromancers were, she would never fully escape the spotlight, no matter how much time passed. Thanks to that final bit of cruelty, there would always be those who coveted her, and her powers.

The truth was, as much as it pained him to admit it, Grier was no longer safe outside of Savannah, where their allies were only a phone call away. Her connection to the land, to the city itself, also protected her. This far from home, she didn’t have that. As much as he wanted Grier to himself, he was grateful Cletus, Lethe, and Hood had invited themselves along.

For the most part.

“This can’t be about Grier.” Linus spoke out loud, as if voicing his hope made it true. “No one knew we were coming here except for the two of you, Mother, and Neely.”

Woolly, Oscar, and Cletus had also known, of course, but they were above reproach and uncorruptible.

“Relax.” Hood clasped his shoulder. “This has nothing to do with her.”

As much as Linus wanted to believe that, as much as the evidence supported it, Grier had enemies and a knack for getting into trouble.

Done with the cottage, for good this time, Linus and Hood left, and Linus sealed it behind them.

“I need to return to the kitchen.” He checked his phone. “If the pot burns, I’ll have to start over, and we don’t have that much time.”

“How much longer does it need?”

“Two or three hours on a low simmer would be best. Then another hour or two after I set up the thurible in the basement for it to sink low enough to affect Kylie.” He set out for the inn. “I need to check on Grier, then I’ll get back to it.”

“Stay with her.” Hood kept pace with him easily. “Send Lethe down. We’re both fresh. We can handle the watch.” He chuckled. “My mate can’t cook, but she’s an old pro at stirring the pot.”

Linus chuckled, but he cut it short in case this was one of those I can poke fun at my mate, but you can’t situations. With Hood and Lethe’s twisted sense of humor about matehood, he was never quite certain. “Are you sure?”

“Sure, I’m sure. I wouldn’t have offered otherwise.”

Hood was aware of Linus’s peculiar sleeping patterns, but he was giving him an out. An excuse to watch over Grier. He almost didn’t take it, but Grier was teaching him that relationships required the flex and bend of compromise in order to work. That included friendships.

“Thank you.”

“No problem.” He patted his stomach. “You do have food in those fridges, right?”

“I stocked up before we arrived, with Grier’s appetite in mind. There’s more than enough for Lethe.”

“I like how you know I was thinking of my mate.” Hood chuckled. “I’m lucky she’s an alpha from an alpha family. Otherwise, I couldn’t afford to feed her.” He sobered. “And if you think about telling her I said that, or the pot comment, I will rip out your throat before you get the chance.”


They entered the foyer, and Linus went to check on the vampires. Their room was silent, and Hood confirmed they were still in there, sleeping. Linus removed the sigil from the doorframe. With Hood on guard duty, they weren’t going anywhere. If they woke to find themselves locked in, it would put them on the offensive, and he wanted to end this without further bloodshed if possible.

Hood padded into the kitchen to make sandwiches while Linus took the stairs at a clip back to Grier.

The sigil on the door erased under his thumb, and he nudged it open a crack.

Grier was curled on her side, unconscious. Safe. Lethe was wading through the emails and texts required to keep her pack functioning in her absence. He could tell from the doodles on her notepad.

I’m not made out of money.

Sides of beef don’t grow on trees.



The end of the month was right around the corner. She must be haggling with the butcher for their shipment of beef, pork, and chicken. Their allotments didn’t last long with so many bottomless stomachs to fill.

Lethe gathered her things quietly, eased off the mattress, then winked at Linus on her way past.

After shutting the door behind her, he set a timer for three hours, drew a sigil on the doorframe, and climbed into bed.


Happily, the extra work I put in on my shredded calves while Linus fixed breakfast did the trick. I was still tender, and pulling on jeans later would suck, but I had fused the furrows together.

I was calling it a win.

With no one around to fuss at me for picking at the bandages, I removed them and confirmed the scratches had healed. The silvery lines would fade over time, and even if they didn’t, I could live with them. It’s not like they would get lonely. I was a patchwork of hard-earned scars that made me the tiniest bit proud. They proved I had found purpose, that I was making a difference, and if that difference was reflected on my skin…

Worth it.

Totally worth it.

Wiggling my toes, I was about to test standing when Linus let himself in, his arms laden with carbs.

“You spoil me.” I made grabby hands. “I like it.”

Smiling his littlest smile, the one reserved just for me, he joined me on the bed and set the tray over my lap. “We have a problem.”

“Another one?” I dug into my home fries, savoring the crunchy skin on the potatoes. “Shocking.”

While I shoveled food with gusto, he filled me in on how everyone else had spent their day.

“She pulled a gun on you?” A piece of egg fell out of my mouth. “Who does that?”

Supernatural baddies tended to attack with teeth, claws, and/or magic. Then again, we were dealing with humans. Guns were their answer to the lack of all of the above. Swords were popular too, but guns? How mundane.

Our reputations preceded us these days. Not many would tangle with one of us, let alone both of us. For two lone vampires, it would be suicide. But I had discovered during my time as potentate that factions were more than willing to band together to take me down. Or try to. With Linus and the city on my side, I was safe as houses in Savannah. It was everywhere else we had to be careful.

This should have been a fun getaway spent investigating and making out. Instead, it had snowballed into a hot mess I felt duty-bound to resolve. If not for the Oliphants’ sakes, then for Kylie’s. The poor kid deserved what closure we could offer.

“Bishop hit me back this afternoon.” I palmed the stack of library print-offs on the nightstand I had used to write down his findings. “We must have piqued his interest.” I shrugged. “That or he’s bored with you gone and had nothing better to do.”

“With Bishop, it’s likely to be the former.” Linus smiled. “Ask him, and he’ll tell you he’s always got something better to do.”

“Are you ready for this?” I settled into storytelling mode. “It’s a doozy.”

Linus made himself comfortable and waited for me to begin.

“Twenty-five years ago, two darling little girls were staying at the inn with their parents. The folks wanted some alone time and sent the kids out to explore the property. The kids came skipping back with super cool sticks they found in the forest and used them to swordfight on the lawn. Except, they weren’t swords. They were bones. Femurs. Two different lengths, two different patinas, which indicated two different bodies.”

“Ah.” Linus sat back. “More than just a head was discovered on the property then.”

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