Home > Lost Spirits (Darke Academy #4)(30)

Lost Spirits (Darke Academy #4)(30)
Author: Gabriella Poole

Sadly, she couldn’t stay under forever.

‘Cassie, you missed breakfast again,’ said Ayeesha as she wandered back into the camp.

‘I’ll be glad when we get her back to the Academy,’ said Cormac, hauling his backpack on to their transport with a grin. ‘I reckon it could be us being surrounded by so many of our four-legged friends that’s putting you off a bit of steak!’

‘And sleeping in a tent isn’t ideal either, no matter how fancy,’ put in Alice, yawning as she emerged from their tent with her bags. Richard said nothing, just eyed Cassie suspiciously as she threw her kit together. Casually he leaned against a Land Rover, arms folded.

‘Come on, Cassandra. What’s up with you? You haven’t been the same since the first night.’

‘Nothing. Honestly. I’m just … looking forward to getting back.’ She zipped up her backpack.

‘Liar.’ He lowered his voice. ‘You’re up to something. Spill.’

She shook her head.

‘All right, be mysterious. Just take care. All right?’

Glancing up, she met his eyes, full of concern – and something more. She wished she could confide in him. Part of her wanted to howl and weep and ask him to sort everything out – and God knew that wasn’t like her. If nothing else, she wanted him to tell her she was doing the right thing, that she wasn’t making the biggest mistake of her entire life.

She trusted Richard more than anyone except Isabella – but still. This was something she had to manage alone.

‘Sorry. I’m just a bit preoccupied.’ Her gut twisted even more at the expression of hurt in his eyes. He knew she was holding back from him.

Just don’t ask any more … just don’t ask.

‘All right.’ He shrugged. ‘But you know what? When you need me, I’m here. And I always will be. OK?’

It took everything Cassie had to muster up a grin for him, hoping it might help Richard not to worry.

‘I know you will. I appreciate it.’ She paused, biting her lip. ‘And it’s the same vice versa, yeah?’

And that at least, she thought with relief, was completely true.

One of these days, thought Cassie nervously, I am going to become someone who doesn’t skulk. I will become a normal person, a person who doesn’t pick locks and spy and thieve in the middle of the night. One day soon, hopefully …

The corridors of the Darke Academy were very quiet, except for the constant background sounds of cicadas and frogs. She almost resented those – silence suited her better, because she couldn’t quite shake the feeling that the night creatures might drown out other sounds, sounds that might indicate someone was on to her. And they reminded her of the night this crazy ultimatum was put to her in the first place.

Still, it had to be done, and quickly. Even with the distraction of her secret night jaunts to visit Isabella and Jake, the four-day field trip had seemed to last an eternity; she couldn’t even enjoy their company. That was partly because she hadn’t felt she could confide her plans in them – not yet – and the knowledge of what she had to do back at the Academy had overshadowed everything else, simmering away in her brain till she thought it would explode.

And Estelle, of course, was no help at all.

It’s a bad idea, Cassandra. A very bad idea.

Shut up, Estelle. I can hardly concentrate as it is.

Down on one knee at the door to Sir Alric’s study, Cassie put her ear to the wood. All was silence and stillness. The shiny new replacement lock didn’t look as if it would be a problem at all, but she still felt sick at the thought of what she was about to do – maybe even finishing off what whoever had tried it first had started …

And so you should! Disobedient, traitorous child! After all he’s done for you.

Cassie ignored the spirit, closing her eyes and focusing on the inner workings of the lock. She felt her eyes redden as the power swelled, but despite her misgivings, she was calm and in control as she manipulated the mechanism. It gave way with a sudden click that made her catch her breath.

Cassie pushed the door gently open with one finger, creeping silently inside and closing it behind her. Pausing to glance around, she let her eyes focus in the darkness. Most likely, given Sir Alric’s fondness for the familiar in some respects, the safe was in a similar position to the one in the Istanbul office. And sure enough, it took her only a few seconds to sense it there, hidden behind a row of book spines. Her fingertips tingled as she stroked them.

Lifting the books carefully down, she reached into the dark space and felt the heavy door of the safe. Now her skin was prickling with the nearness of the artefacts; she could almost hear the Knife calling to her. It had always held such a strong attraction for her, that beautiful weapon with its twisting, living carvings. She ached to touch it again, and not just because she had to steal it.

That Knife. That evil thing! It will be the death of us, Cassandra.

Estelle’s voice was quiet, vicious, controlled. It wasn’t like her; Cassie felt a growing sense of unease as she concentrated on projecting her strange, unique power out in front of her once more. The red point of power coalesced before her into a glowing orb …

And exploded. The force of it flung Cassie back. She collided with the low table and tumbled backwards with a crash.

It was shock more than pain that left her reeling. Stumbling to her feet, she shook her head violently.

‘Estelle? Estelle! Let me do this!’

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