Home > Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)(28)

Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)(28)
Author: Nashoda Rose

His ice-blue eyes turned to me, and they weren’t happy. “You went back to the compound when I specifically said it was off-limits until we assessed the situation.”

“She needed out.” I glanced at his Ink. It remained still, but its eyes glowed red. Fuck, yeah, he was pissed.

“Yes, but we needed to find out what they were doing there and you went and blew everything up.”

I strode to the doorway and into the living room. “He was fuckin’ abusing her.” My voice was harsh and low as the fury boiled. “It was three weeks. Wasn’t waiting any longer.”

The room was silent as Waleron and I faced off. No one was stupid enough to interrupt either of us. “The girl,” Waleron said. I stiffened. “Keir informed me of her condition, and we’ve decided she’ll go to a rehab center.”

“What the fuck? You decided? You and he decided?” Every muscle contracted as his words hit me. “Over my dead body.” My glare shifted from Waleron to Keir, Jedrik, Hack, and then over my shoulder to Delara. They all avoided looking directly at me. They knew. They all fuckin’ knew this was going down. There was no discussion—it had been decided without me.

“I got her out. You sat on your fuckin’ asses while she was being abused. No. You’ll have to go through me first.” I managed two strides toward the basement stairs when Waleron approached, his hand latching onto my arm.

“Kilter, let it go,” Waleron warned in a bitter tone.

“Fuck you.” I jerked my arm free.

The heat in my eyes burned as my rage pulsed.

“Kilter, man, she needs help,” Jedrik said.

My gaze swung to Jedrik sitting on the edge of the leather couch, his forearms resting on his thighs, hands clasped between them. My eyes shot to the antique vase sitting on the table behind his head and, with my ability, I smashed it into tiny fragments.

Screw control, this was exactly why I never trusted anyone. They went behind my back and did what they thought was best. No consulting. No discussion. Nothing.

She was not being locked away. Fuck that. I swore to her. I asked her to trust me, damn it.

It was betrayal laced with mistrust. She’d never forgive me. I knew what it was like to lose faith in someone’s words, and I wouldn’t do that to her. I fuckin’ wouldn’t.

I managed two more steps toward the stairs before my body froze, and not by choice. Paralysis. “Let me go, you coldhearted bastard.”

A low murmur of voices shifted through the room and I felt the energy around each of the Scars rise. Keir moved forward and nodded to Waleron. I knew they were speaking telepathically while blocking me.

“You have fuckin’ shit to say, say it,” I said.

Delara brushed by me, marched through the living room, and walked out. From her reaction, she was in disagreement with Waleron and Keir’s decision. One point in her favor.

Anstice slipped her hand in Keir’s. “Kilter, don’t do this. Listen to what they have to sa—”

“Fuck off!”

Keir’s eyes flashed and his jaw clenched as he quietly warned, “Careful.”

Waleron’s ability could only hold me for a minute, and then all hell would break loose.

“You will let her go,” Waleron stated.

I fought Waleron’s power, my eyes burning as my powers surfaced. “You lock her up, you sign her death warrant.”

“She’ll be safe there,” Keir said, slowly moving toward me. “We’d never do anything to harm her. You know that, Kilter.”

A cold fury enveloped me. No, goddamn it. No. I promised her. I fuckin’ promised.

Waleron’s tone was calm and cool. “This is not your decision.” His hold finally dropped and I flexed my hands into fists. “If she chooses to leave rehabilitation, she can. But she must give it a chance.”

“You will destroy what’s left of her.” That’s not what she needed. Not her. Not that way. “I’ll make sure she gets help.”

“No, Kilter,” Waleron said in his monotone voice. “You’re too protective of this woman already.” My eyes darted to his Ink as it shifted on his neck. “You will not have any contact with her while she recovers.”

“What? That’s fuckin’ bullshit,” I ground out.

“Disobey me and I will send you to Rest. Stay away from her,” Waleron ordered. “She needs time. Let this go. One warning. Don’t push it, Kilter.”

I didn’t do well with threats, and I knew this fight could get me put in Rest, but I never backed down from anything in my life. And this was Rayne’s choice, not theirs.

I jerked my head to the side and sent the entire wall of books flying off the shelves and into Hack. With the distraction, I crouched and rolled toward Jedrik who was on his feet now and coming at me. I kicked out and sent him on his ass. He leapt to his feet and dove for me again, and I swung, hitting him in the jaw and sending him back into Hack.

“Cool it, asshole,” Jedrik muttered. “Shit.”

I dove to the right when Waleron’s hands rose. A bolt of energy careened toward me, but I shifted at the last second and it hit an antique chair, sending it flying into the mantel.

I leapt to my feet and ran for the basement stairs, but skidded to a stop when Keir stepped in front of the door and blocked my path.

“Don’t do it, Kilter.”

“Have to,” I said, then swung at him.

Keir ducked. I missed and he barreled at me. His fist slammed into my jaw and I staggered back. Before I gained my balance, he kicked me in the abdomen, but I was ready for it and flipped over and scissor kicked him off his feet.

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