Home > Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)(57)

Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)(57)
Author: Nashoda Rose

Kilter hooked his arm around my waist. “Stay the fuck away from her, Grit. I see you again, you’re dead.”

Roarke looked at me then nodded, turned, and walked away.

“Babe, car,” Kilter ordered and tugged on my elbow.

In the last several months, I’d learned to face my battles not run from them, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t nervous as hell around a man who was pulsating anger.

He tugged again.

I stood my ground, raising my chin and clutching the sides of my emerald silk gown as he moved to stand directly in front of me. He was so close now that I felt each breath waft across my face.

I swallowed. “I’m not getting in the car with you.”

He huffed. “Yeah, babe, you are.”

“No. I’m not.”

“Yeah. You. Are.”

I yanked my elbow from his grip and crossed my arms. “Why are you here, Kilter?” Shit, my voice cracked. But I couldn’t back down. I couldn’t let another man walk all over me.

“Why the fuck do you think?” he shouted and the valet getting out of a car turned to stare at us. Kilter either didn’t notice him or didn’t care that he was drawing attention. I was going for the latter. “We have shit to discuss.” He cupped my elbow and pulled me toward the car.

I pulled back. “Touch me again and I’ll have security here in two seconds.” Rebecca’s words repeated over and over in my head. You’re strong and deserve to be treated with respect.

His brows rose. “I don’t give a fuck if you call in the Navy SEALs. You and I are having a conversation.”

The spaghetti strap of my emerald dress slid down my arm and Kilter’s eyes followed it. I quickly slid it back in place and his eyes shot back to mine.

I glared. “I’m not your babe, so stop calling me that. And you can’t order me around.”

“I can.” Kilter hooked his arm around my waist and propelled me up against his chest in one fluid motion. My palms landed on his upper abdomen and his muscles contracted. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. “For the third time, get in the car or I’ll throw you over my shoulder and put you in the car.”

I stood my ground. “You rescue me, acting all gallant and sweet, say you’ll help me, and then you just disappear.” I closed my eyes and fought the urge to pound my fists into his chest and yell and scream and completely freak out. Because I was so mad right now. And confused. And damn it, I wanted a reason why he left without a word, even if it wasn’t a reason I’d like.

He snorted. “Gallant?” There was a slight twitch at the corners of his lips. “Sweet?”

I scrunched my nose. “Well, you were nice in your sort of crude way, and now you’re not. Now you’re being an ass.”

He was quiet for a second, then said quietly, “You owe me.”

Wow. He thought I owed him. He thought I owed him? Was that why he was here? Because I owed him and he wanted something from me? It was like he slapped me across the face, and he must have noticed my reaction because he sighed, his hold on my waist relaxing.

“Not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?” I retorted.

“Fuck.” He let me go and ran his hand through his hair. “Fine, it’s what I meant. I just need to explain shit, and I’m not doing it here with the Scars around.”

“The Scars are inside.”

Kilter chin-lifted to the doors twenty feet away. “They’re coming out.”

I peered over his shoulder just as Delara, followed by Jedrik, pushed open the glass doors, all eyes landing on us.

“Rayne?” Delara called.

“I’ll take her home,” Kilter stated, moving to stand in front of me.

Delara said, “Kilter, we should talk about—”

“The only talking being done is with Rayne,” Kilter said. Then in one swoop, he threw me over his shoulder and stalked toward the car.

I was so shocked that he actually did it, that I didn’t react.

He opened the car door and placed me on my feet. “Babe, get in.” Then he added gently, “Please.” Without looking over his shoulder at Delara and Jedrik, he said, “Stay the fuck back.”

“Come on, Kilter. What the hell? Waleron hears of this, you’ll be right back in Rest.”

What? Rest?

“Buddy, Delara’s right,” Jedrik said. “Don’t fuck shit up—again.”

“Rayne?” Delara said.

Kilter risked his life to come back for me at the compound, and he’d done nothing but try and protect me. He may have vanished for the last six months, but I did owe him.

I looked at Delara and Jedrik. “I’ll be fine. Say thank you to Balen and Danni for me.” I slid onto the leather seat, and the instant I did, Kilter closed the door, not giving Delara a chance to respond.

I watched as he strode around the front of the car with long, lithe legs and that familiar confident stride. My heart sped up and there was a subtle tingling between my legs.

Jesus. A tingling. I never had a tingling like that for anyone.

I’d always felt something for Kilter, but now it was different. Now, I throbbed with need. To touch him. For the first time in my life, I desired a man and I thought about him kissing me. His hands on me. God, his—

His car door slammed. I jerked.

“Why are you so fuckin’ jumpy?” Kilter scowled. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

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