Home > Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)(67)

Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)(67)
Author: Nashoda Rose

No, I doubted he’d let me walk away unscathed, but I didn’t care about me. “Once Abby is out of danger, we can decide what to do about Liam.”

“If no laws are broken, we can do nothing,” Waleron stated. “Abby willingly drank his blood. That was her choice.”

“She was drunk and stupid. We all make mistakes.”

He glared at me, arms at his sides, hands curled into fists. “Was Edan a mistake?”

“Was Trinity?” I shot back.

“No. I did what had to be done.”

“So, did I.”

He was quiet a second before he said, “I find out you go near Liam again, I will put you in Rest.”

I stiffened. “Bastard.” I grabbed the closest thing to me, a hardcover book, and threw it at him. Waleron raised his hand and it dropped to the floor with a crash before it could hit him. I used my telekinesis and five encyclopedias flew toward him. Then the green vase that sat on Keir’s desk. Then the statue sitting on the side table beside the couch.

None of it hit him. All landed at his feet.

The tension in Waleron’s body eased as his hands uncurled and he casually crossed his ankles. The stupid bloody pills he took had to be taking effect.

“I’ve called Trinity here to find out more about Abby.” His voice was calm and controlled again. “There is something we’re missing. Liam risked his truce with us by sending his underling after Rayne. Why when his interest was in Abby? Why has it suddenly shifted to Rayne?” He paused, shoved away from the door, and walked toward me, stopping a foot away. “You will stop seeing him, Delara. I don’t care if he starts a war. I don’t care if he goes after Abby or Rayne. You will not see him again.” He stopped in front of me. “Do. You. Understand. Me?”

I did. I understood, and yet, I couldn’t do what he said.

“Do you understand?” he shouted when I didn’t reply.

My body jerked and I nodded. “Yeah. I understand.”

Waleron stared at me for several seconds, and I felt him push at my shields, trying to read my mind. I clenched my jaw and resisted him. Finally, the pressure in my head released.

“The meeting is in three hours. I expect you to be here,” he said.

I strode across the room, opened the door, and walked out.

I walked upstairs into the kitchen, rinsed the soup bowl, put it in the dishwasher, and took out the ingredients to make her a chicken sandwich. I was spreading butter on the bread when Keir spoke to me telepathically.

“Meeting in three hours. Mandatory. Bring Rayne.”

Fuck. I hated meetings and Rayne didn’t need to listen to a bunch of Scars discussing the sewer rats of the city. I pressed my palm down on the thick sandwich before it toppled over on the plate. A loud thump stole my attention.

Then several more thumps and glass shattering.

What the fuck?

Maybe someone else was pissed at having a meeting.

I headed through the dining room, living room, and into the foyer and stopped. The library doors were closed and whoever was in there was pissed.

“When are you moving out?” Jedrik sauntered down the hall toward me. “Or do you plan on another round of Rest by following that instinct of yours?”

I shrugged. Following my instinct made life simpler. Even when I rescued Ryker from Rayne’s psycho scientist husband, I’d gone in with no plan. Plans usually involved others, which meant others knew what you were doing, a mistake I’d learned from.

Jedrik curled his arm around the stair post. “Did Rest teach you anything or just piss you off more?”

“Yeah,” I said without moving a muscle, eyes glaring. “It taught me to kill Scars who piss me off.”

Jedrik laughed. “Let me guess, I piss you off.”

I snorted as the library door flung open and both of us turned.

Delara stormed out and marched straight past me, through the kitchen, and out the back door.

“Fuck,” Jedrik muttered. “That shit between them needs to end before they combust.”

I walked over to the library and looked inside. There were several books on the floor, a broken statue, and a shattered glass vase. My eyes hit Waleron standing by the window looking as if he’d had an afternoon chat with Delara instead of a heated argument.

“Keir said there’s a meeting and Rayne is supposed to come. She isn’t ready for that shit.” I kept my voice calm. Being sent to Rest again was unproductive and would put Rayne at risk without me here to protect her. I had to keep my shit together.

Waleron glanced over at me, brows lifted. “Maybe not, but she will attend anyway. We require information and she may have it. How is she after the attack?”

I clenched my jaw, not liking his answer. “Good as can be expected. But she’d be in vampire hands right now if I hadn’t been there. I can’t even trust you guys to watch over one girl.” I turned to stalk out when his voice stopped me.

“It won’t work this time,” Waleron called.

“What?” I swung around and glared at the man who’d put me in Rest for six bloody months to relive Rayne’s, Gemma’s, my own fuckin’ screams.

“You can’t fight this one alone.”

“You want to make a bet?”

Waleron straightened and came toward me. “You don’t get it, do you? Trust. That’s what you lack. And that is the only way you’ll win this battle.”

I stiffened, meeting his glare. “Last time I did that, my woman was raped, then killed. I was tortured for ten years. You know what that’s like, don’t you, Waleron? Being tortured day after day for years.”

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