Home > Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)(79)

Tyrant (Scars of the Wraiths #2)(79)
Author: Nashoda Rose

“The Grit, Roarke,” Waleron said, “contacted you twice. Why?”

“He’s protective of me and he warned me about the woman from the compound. He says I’m important to her. He wanted me to go with him. Said he could protect me from her.”

Kilter snorted.

“And what of this husband, my dear?” Trinity asked. “Did you breed with him, too?”

What a total witch. “I didn’t. He married me for the simple reason of having control over me. He enjoyed the fact he could use me anytime he wanted. But we never fucked, if that’s what you want to know. To him I was a lab rat, caged and tested on over and over again.”

“Christ, Rayne,” Kilter growled.

They wanted answers, well, I was not going to sugarcoat anything, especially not in front of Trinity. “He controlled me in every way imaginable—made me use my abilities daily until I passed out from exhaustion. A number of years ago, I saw that woman again. It wasn’t long after that Anton started searching for Scars—males. He wanted one with abilities that were different from mine so that we—”

“Ah, so Ryker had a purpose,” Trinity interrupted. “Did you have sex with him, my dear? Was he good or did he imagine you as his precious Hannah?” Trinity asked in her sultry voice.

Kilter took a step toward Trinity, but I reached out and grabbed his hand. He stopped, but his words were harsh. “Careful or I will kill you, Trinity.”

It was the first time I thought Trinity looked uneasy as she was first to look away.

“After Ryker was taken, the woman came back. I heard an argument between her and my husband. They’d wanted Hannah alive.”

That caught everyone’s attention.

“Do you know why?” Keir asked.

I nodded. “It’s always easier to control someone if you have something they love.”

“Fuck,” Kilter said at the same time as Keir.

“Rayne, do you have any idea why a vampire would be interested in you?” Keir asked.

“I don’t know. I’m no different than any other Scar.”

“And what kind of Scar are you, Rayne?” Waleron asked.

I didn’t really know the kinds of Scars.

“A Reflector of sorts,” Kilter answered for me. “She has an Ink, but it hasn’t risen in years.” He looked down at me. Would you like me to tell them what you can do?

I nodded.

Okay, babe. He looked at Waleron. “She reads emotions like all Reflectors, but accompanied with her touch, she can soothe them or heighten them. She’s also able to remove emotions and replace them with new ones.” Several brows lifted, except Waleron, who looked as if he already knew this. “And take away someone’s emotions until they have none left.”

“You mean, kill them?” Anstice asked.

“Yes,” Kilter said. “A person can’t survive without emotions. They die.”

“Holy shit, that’s cool,” Hack said.

“Have you done this?” Keir asked me.

I nodded. “Once. To a guard, but I’ll never do it again.”

“Interesting,” Trinity said. Her lips twitched with amusement, but she wisely held her tongue.

The screen door slammed and footsteps came from the kitchen. Delara walked into the room then stopped abruptly. Her eyes swept over everyone, hesitating on Waleron before landing on Trinity.

I’d gotten to know Delara pretty well, and with the way she stood, arms crossed, legs parted, she was ready for a fight. Her eyes remained locked on the witch, tension emanating from both of them.

There was no question that Delara and Trinity hated one another, and Waleron had to be the reason. I knew Delara as warm and caring, but at this moment, she was a pissed-off viper. This was something personal and bled hatred.

“Nice of you to finally join us,” Waleron said.

“God, Sass,” Jedrik said, shaking his head.

Waleron continued, “We were waiting for you to discuss why Liam would be interested in acquiring Abigail and now Rayne. You’re closest to Liam. Perhaps you can enlighten us?”

Delara’s focus remained on Trinity as she said, “No. Liam and I stick to conversations about sex.”

Oh shit.

Jedrik swore beneath his breath while Hack lowered his head to his hands. This couldn’t be good, a Scar sleeping with a vampire. That had to be what she and Jedrik had been arguing about and where she’d been those nights she didn’t come home.

Trinity’s laughter echoed, her expressive features lighting up. “Oh, what a marvelous playmate, Delara. A vampire and one so enthralling. Do tell—how is he in bed? Gentle or rough? I’d imagine he is very attentive to a woman’s needs. Liam is rather charming.”

“Enough!” Waleron shouted. The sound vibrated through the room and even Trinity flinched. “What does Liam want with a witch?” Waleron asked.

Delara shrugged. “No idea.”

“But why risk pissing us off?” Jedrik asked. “Liam isn’t stupid, regardless of being a psychotic.”

Delara shifted her feet. “He wanted us to take Abby. He found out Abby was pregnant and couldn’t survive the Transition. So, he let us take her, knowing if anyone could save her life, it would be us.” Delara’s fingers curled into the side of her pants. “He was content with her gone for a while, but in the last week or so, he’s been impatient.”

“Is that why you were late? Were you fucking him, Delara?” Trinity asked.

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