Home > Darkness Breaks (Darkness Falls #2)(34)

Darkness Breaks (Darkness Falls #2)(34)
Author: Jessica Sorensen

“I don’t remember this side of the door.” I drop flat on my stomach and peer underneath where the bottom of the door bends up. Lights flicker across a dusty floor. There are footprints tracking through the dust, along with fragments of glass and thin trails of blood and puss. I sniff the air, detecting a faint hint of decaying flesh.

I start to push up when feet whiz across the other side of the door. My fingers tighten around the knife and I slowly point it at the door.

“What are you looking at?” Sylas asks, getting down on his hands and knees.

“Just a second.” My vision moves with the motions of the feet as it dashes left and right, running its way back and forth. There’s a slight pause and then the monster reveals, a massive face pressing against the gap between the door and the floor. It’s fleshless hand darts forward and its jaw snaps violently.

“Is it a vampire?” Tristan asks fearfully. “What is it?”

“Nope, not a vamp.” I meet the monsters vacant eyes and jerk the knife over my shoulder. I flip it hard, darting it at the beasts face. The blade stabs between its eyes and it cowers back, shrieking.

“I think we might have another breed like Dominic on our hands.” I push to my feet and grip the handle of the door. “Stand back.” The metal gripes against my strength and I rip the door from the frame. Down on all fours, with the knife stuck in its forehead, the monster springs for me. I force back and jump kick, slamming my foot into its chest.

It staggers backward with its misshapen legs and I bound forward, wrenching the knife from its head. Wanting to kill me, its arm sideswipes my leg and I flip back, slamming to the concrete floor. I roll over, leap up, and stab the knife into its chest. The monster falls to the floor, panting its last breath.

Sylas circles it. “It’s the same breed as Dominic.”

“I know.” I turn, taking in the familiarity of the room. Glass cells form the walls, just like I remember. But each cell is empty and at the end, there is no red door. Papers flutter the air as I proceed past the cages. “Where did the red door go?”

“What is this place?” Tristan asks in awe as he stares at the inside of a cell.

“Be grateful you don’t know.” Sylas glances inside a cabinet drawer. There’s a tremor to his hand and he pulls back, flexing it at his side.

“Are you okay?” I take his hand and his skin is clammy.

He tugs it away and dries it on the front of his jacket. “The light’s been getting to me, but I’ll be fine.” He avoids my eyes and clicks the cabinet door open. I run my fingers along the edge of the cabinet. It’s just like the one in the hospital wing at The Colony. Something about it tugs at my brain. Without even knowing why, I tip the structure over. We scatter to the side as the glass and wood shatters.

“What the hell was that for?” Sylas ask.

I point to the wall at a small square of silver. Sylas rips the rounded lock from it and the door swings open.

“Papers.” Sylas takes the stack of papers out and stares at the words neither of us can read. He sifts through them, his eyebrows knitting together. “You knew these were here?”

I shake my head and pick up the top paper. I turn it around and wonder which way is up and which way is down. “Any chance you suddenly remembered how to read?” I ask Sylas with a hopeful look.

He flips a paper over, shaking his head. “But maybe Blondie does.”

“Tristan, can you read?” I glance over my shoulder, but the room is empty. “Shit, I think he ran off.” I hurry to the glass cells and check each one while Sylas searches the hall. We meet in the doorway, shaking our heads.

“Well, at least we don’t have to take care of him anymore.” Sweat drips from Sylas’ forehead and dribbles down onto the stack of papers he carries in his hands.

“But we don’t know where he’s heading.” I take the papers from him and fan through them. “He could be going to the Highers. Or he could backtrack to the others.”

Sylas rests against the doorframe. “You’re worrying too much again.”

I freeze, hugging the papers to my chest.

Sylas waves his hand in front of my face. “Are you alive in there?”

I hold up a finger, signaling for him to be quiet. My memories tug at my brain, painful and violent. My head rings and my eyes twitch. I grip the papers.

“Kayla….” Sylas’ voice fades.


“You’re worrying too much again,” Monarch says to Taggart as he rummages through the cabinet drawers. “This is a flawless plan.”

Glass cells row the room. I watch from my cell as Monarch maneuvers his hand behind the cabinet in the corner.

“That kind of thinking is what got us into trouble in the first place.” Taggart says, his large shoulders stooped over as he scoots the cabinet from the wall.

“The cameras are off?” Monarch checks with Taggart.

Taggart glances at the ceiling corners and nods. “But hurry. It won’t be long before they figure out they’re off.”

Monarch slips behind the cabinet and seconds later, emerges with a stack of papers in his hands. Taggart forces the cabinet back to the wall. Then they head to my cell and I back to the middle as they press the buttons. Taggart waits outside, while Monarch slinks in. He’s wearing his white coat, smudged with dirt. His grey eyes are warmer and he seems happy.

“This is the last time,” he says, handing me the papers.

I read over them quicker than my brain can process and give the papers back.

“Now you understand what this is?” He stacks them neatly in his arms.

I nod robotically. “It means there’s a cure.”

“And you understand what you have to do?”

I pause and his face falls. “I don’t understand what it means. How do I make the cure?”

The corners of Monarch’s eyes crinkle. “That, Kayla, isn’t for you to remember. You only have to put the pieces together and someone else will have the answers. Once you figure everything out and get all your memories back, you’ll be able to understand what these papers mean.”

“Aiden,” I start, but he raises a finger in warning.

“We don’t talk about those things, remember.” He points his finger at a camera mounted in the corner of my cell. “They’re always watching us in here.” He points at his temple. “And in here. It’s not safe.”

I step forward. “But then how am I supposed to do it?”

He frowns at my question. “We’ll get there in time. But first I have to make a few more tweaks with you.”

He raps on the door and Taggart opens it. “And remember you are never to speak of this again, until the time is right. The Highers can’t know what you are or what you know.”

“Because they would kill me.” I move to the door.

“No,” he answers with a heavy-hearted sigh. “Because they would become you. And that can’t happen. The Highers can’t reach perfection, ever.”

Then he takes a syringe from his pocket and stabs it in my arms. “Forget now. Remember later.”

I fall back into my cell and hug my legs to my chest, the memories of the cure drifting away.

Chapter 25

“Kayla. Kayla. Kayla.” A voice echoes.

My head and neck spasm as I try to pry my eyelids open.

“Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.”

I open my eyes and find Sylas staring down at me. His face is close, his skin perspiring. His hand shivers against my cheek as he leans back to give me room.

“The cure is in those papers.” I sit up and take the papers, filing through them.

He wipes his forehead and leans close. “What do they say?”

“That’s something I don’t know.” I align the papers and tuck them under my arm. “But Aiden does… with Ryder’s help.”

We turn to the wall where the red door once was.

“Where’d it go?” I get to my feet and press my hand against the wall, feeling for breaks or loose pieces of brick. “It’s as solid as a rock.”

“It existed, right?” I ask Sylas. “You’ve seen the red door before.”

He doesn’t answer.

My fingers poke into a dent and flake some of the shavings of brick out. “Sylas?”

There’s a thud and I spin around. Sylas lies motionless on the floor, his shirt soaked in sweat, his life drifting away from him.

“What happened?” I hurry to the floor, tossing the papers aside, my eyes scanning his body for any wounds. His skin is a ghastly white and his eyes are glossed over. Blood drips from his forehead and I smooth his hair back. Blood bubbles sketch his hairline.

My hand moves to the hem of his shirt and the bite on his abdomen is in the same condition. “Dominic infected you.”

“See anything you like,” he jokes with a cough.

I let go of his shirt. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He tries to sustain a calm expression. “Why would I? You don’t have a cure yet. And who knows if there’s even a cure for this particular breed.”

I glance over at the dead beast in the doorway. Its corroded flesh, warped legs, and homicidal eyes are now Sylas’ future. Something constricts deep inside my chest and I roll my shoulders, trying to force it away.

“Kayla,” Sylas’ weak voice brings me back to him. “I need you to do it. I feel it spreading and soon it’s going to take over.”

I shake my head. “No, I won’t do it.”

“Kayla,” Sylas says with warning. “You did it for Cedrix and you can do it for me. Don’t let me become that.”

“I’ll find a way to fix it.” I start to get up, pulling at my long black hair. “Give me a minute and I’ll figure something out.”

He grips my arm and I drift back to the floor. “I don’t have a minute.” His chest heaves and I worry it’s going to split open like Dominic’s chest did before he transformed. “You need to do it now.”

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