Home > Eternal Seduction (Darkness Within #1)(57)

Eternal Seduction (Darkness Within #1)(57)
Author: Jennifer Turner

Kerestyan leaned forward and laced his fingers between Logan’s then gently pulled her back to his side. He could feel the anger ebbing from her body, but the last situation he wanted to deal with was his Father punishing her for misconduct.

She squeezed his hand before her green eyes narrowed back on Trinity. “So did you do anything else? Did I find out about vampires because of you? Have you manipulated any of my thoughts or emotions?”

Trinity closed her eyes and shook her head. “No. I didn’t make you find out about vampires, you did that all on your own. And like I told you before, I would never manipulate your feelings for K. What you guys have is real. Aside from my plan that got you together, I didn’t have anything else to do with it. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, but at the same time…I’m not. You two are good together.”

Logan squeezed Kerestyan’s hand again as her blood cooled from Trinity’s words. As much as she wanted to punch the bitch again, if it wasn’t for Trinity, she would’ve never met Kerestyan. And she could tell by the softer look on his face, he was thinking the same thing.

She wanted to be mad, wanted to keep screaming, but at the end of the day, she was back in New York with the man she cared about. Although it would be a long time before she trusted Trinity with anything more than an apple, she still had to make a life for herself as a Servio.

“I have no more questions for Trinity,” Kerestyan said as he looked up at Stefan. “Do with her as you see fit.”

Stefan gave a single, clipped nod. “Trinity, your punishment for breaking the Veil, as well as my Decorum, will begin when the sun rises. Vouclade will retrieve you when he has finished preparations. You may return to your chambers. Take Lawrence with you, I will address him at a later time.”

Trinity, looking scared and scolded, bowed her head to Stefan before she turned and quickly made her way towards the doors with Larry in tow.

Logan almost felt bad for her…almost.

The clank of metal on metal sounded, drawing her attention back to Stefan as he shifted on his throne. “Congratulations, Logan Ellis, you have successfully completed the last segment of your testing. Do you feel enlightened?”

She sighed. “You knew the whole time, didn’t you?”

He stood and descended the stairs. “Of course. The only flaw in Trinity’s carefully constructed plan was in not manipulating Lawrence’s memory of you. Had she done so, I would have allowed her the victory. However, much as Kerestyan extends choices, Trinity has never found it acceptable to use such powers on those she favors.”

Logan arched a brow when he stopped in front of her. “She won’t manipulate Larry’s memory but she’ll hang three Fledglings out to dry?”

The corners of his lips rose slightly. “You say potato, I say welcome to immortality. Their strings led back to her, as did yours. You still have your life, they do not. Perhaps if they had been more concerned for their own existence, they would have never found themselves in a position to be moved as pawns. Consider their death the consequence of their ill chosen actions.” He cocked his head, which she’d never see him do before. “Which reminds me,” he reached into nothing and pulled out a bruised and beaten Shaggy, “what would you like me to do with this? It arrived wrapped in shadows, tied to resemble a bow.”

Logan couldn’t help but laugh when Kerestyan growled and nearly squeezed off her hand. He cast a glance to the wall then back to Stefan. “He is yours to do with as you wish.”

Stefan held Shaggy out towards her. “What say you?”

She stared at the broken body for a few moments. “I feel like I should have this huge moment of inspiration where I suddenly realize the error of my selfish ways, and then look up at you and tell you he deserves another chance…but I’m not really feeling that. I’m all for him going on the wall of people parts.”

Stefan let out an evil chuckle as Craig’s body floated through the air then melted into the wall. “Spoken like a true Nelek.” He moved to stand in front of Kerestyan. “I have considered the request you made when we last spoke, Kerestyan, and find myself agreeable.”

Logan wasn’t sure what Kerestyan had requested, but with the way his body stiffened and his eyes slowly narrowed, she could only assume Stefan’s response wasn’t what he’d hoped for. “I won’t risk tainting the bond,” he said, his voice strained. He lowered his head, and for the first time since she’d met him, a sense of defeat charged the air around him, as if he’d just lost something important. “As much as it pains me, the risk outweighs the reward for her.”

She frowned. “For who? What are you talking about?”

Stefan stepped back in front on her. “I had a suspicion when we first spoke, due to your detached nature, it would be nearly impossible for you to establish a reciprocal bond with your Master. Meaning, while your Master is able to sense you, you cannot be influenced in return. Vouclade and I discussed the matter in length, and after a series of mystical tests performed on the blood he acquired during your physical examination, we concur my initial suspicion is accurate. Would it please you to become Kerestyan’s Servio?”

Logan didn’t have a chance to answer, because before her brain could process the extent of Stefan’s words, Kerestyan’s tongue plunged into her mouth. She moaned at the unexpected taste of him, at the exquisite sensation of his soft lips, hot and demanding, moving against hers. She returned his passion and more as she tangled her fingers into his hair.

He broke from her mouth and looked down at her, his incredible blue eyes streaked with obsidian. “I love you,” he breathed against her lips. “I don’t expect you to understand. I don’t expect to hear you say the same. But if you say yes, I promise you’ll never regret the choice.”

Logan considered Kerestyan’s handsome face for a long moment. She knew she couldn’t return his words with the same sincerity, but her heart told her, given time…he would be the only man she ever said them to. “Yes, Kerestyan.”

He flashed a devious grin, his razor sharp fangs taunting her from between his firm lips. “Does this mean I’m allowed to say I think you’re beautiful?”

She nipped at his bottom lip. “No, Kerestyan.”

“You know,” Odin’s sleepy voice interrupted, again. “Since the man just stood there and told you he loved you, the least you could do is pay him a compliment or something. As his brother, I know I’d feel better hearing one.”

She laughed and smiled at Kerestyan. “Is that what you want?”

He tipped his head from side to side. “I could listen.”

She cleared her throat. If he wanted rainbows compared to how she felt about him, she would grant his request. “Red is the color my blood flows for you. Orange is the color of the morning sky I can’t see with you. Yellow is the color of the sun whose ass I’d kick for you…if it had one. Green is the color—”

“Logan,” Kerestyan laughed. “Just shut up and kiss me.”


Three months later…

Kerestyan stood on the back porch of his new home, watching as the woman he loved more than life itself was smothered by a mound of black fur. She squealed and squirmed as Syn licked her face, and then let out a loud oomph! when he flopped over on top of her.

Although her dark outlook on the world hadn’t changed, and she still couldn’t see it the way he did, not a day went by that she didn’t try. She hadn’t done anything drastic like join one of the many Goodwill groups that called New York home, but her desire to leave her street life behind shone in her actions.

Kerestyan smiled. He’d almost fallen over the night they walked to the butcher shop to procure the steak she enjoyed so much, and instead of running off with the purse an elderly woman dropped as they passed, Logan picked up the bag and handed it back to her.

She even earned a crisp one-dollar bill and a litany of thanks for her trouble.

Granted, she let loose with a string of curses once the old woman was out of earshot, ranting about grandmothers and their obsessive need to stuff dollars in G-strings, but when all was said and done, she gifted him the most beautiful smile and used her reward to buy him the first chocolate bar he’d ever eaten.

“Yuck! Not in the mouth, Syn. How many damn times do I have to tell you your tongue does not go in my mouth?”

Kerestyan stepped off the porch and smiled at the warm blades of lush grass cushioning his bare feet as he moved to take Syn’s place. He knelt beside Logan and grinned at her closed eyes while she wiped the back of her hand across her lips.

He followed her hand with his tongue then slipped it into her mouth, savoring the soft, sweet taste of her and the instant warming effect she had on his Ancient body. There was no better taste to him, save the hot, rich texture of her blood as she writhed in ecstasy beneath him.

“Ow, das mot Smm.”

Logan moaned as Syn’s weight was replaced by the man who’d become the only addiction she’d ever refuse to give up. Kerestyan was as vital to her life as the air she breathed, and she was certain if the day ever came when she was forced to give him up, more than just her physical body would suffer.

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