Home > The Shadow (The Florentine #2)(42)

The Shadow (The Florentine #2)(42)
Author: Sylvain Reynard

“You know?” he said at last.

“Of course. It’s obvious, isn’t it? I don’t know too many humans who can climb buildings and disappear into the night.”

“He’s feeding from you,” Father announced, reaching for his cross.

Instinctively, Raven’s hand moved to her neck. “It isn’t like that. He loves me. And I love him.”

At the sound of her words, the priest stood, holding the cross. “We can break the connection. Come with me. I’ll summon the others.”

“What others?”

“The Jesuits have a house near the Duomo. I’ll take you to them.”

Raven lifted her hands in protest. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Father Kavanaugh grew visibly agitated. “You don’t understand. Vampyres are possessed by demons. You’re obsessed with—”

“I’m not obsessed with anyone,” she interrupted. “William isn’t possessed. And neither am I.”

The priest examined her closely, paying special attention to her eyes. He inhaled deeply and breathed on her.

Raven scowled. “What are you doing?”

He pressed his lips together. “It was a test. Vampyres are human beings who’ve become possessed by a demon. They hate and destroy. When they attack a human being without taking possession, it’s called obsession.”

“William would never attack me.” Her tone was stubborn. “He loves me.”

“William?” he whispered, shock etching his features. “That was the Prince?”

Raven nodded.

The priest crossed himself again. “We have to get you away from him—away from his control.”

“I’m not under his control. Listen to what I’m saying.” She tugged on the priest’s hand, encouraging him to regain his seat. “William isn’t like the others. A few months ago I was attacked by a group of men. William saved me.”

“Vampyres don’t interfere in human affairs.”

“William did. He healed my wounds. I would have died without his help.”

“So you’ve fed from him?” the priest whispered.


“Good.” He sounded relieved. “But you’ve given yourself to him?”

Raven squirmed. “We are in love. It’s not what you think.”

“Raven.” His tone was a soft remonstration. “Did you know he was a vampyre when you gave yourself to him?”


He winced. “Vampyres feed on human beings. They view us as prey, as objects to serve them and their pleasures. They can be seductive and charming, but they are liars. They can’t be trusted.”

His hand moved to her wrist, next to her bracelet. “Did he give that to you?”

She pulled her arm back. “Yes.”

“It’s a mark. You’re his property. His pet.”

“It was a gift. I’m not a pet.” She set her chin stubbornly.

He passed a hand over his mouth. “I arrived in Rome at the beginning of the month. Your mother e-mailed me, saying you and Cara had had a falling-out. I came to see if I could help.” He gave her an anguished look. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you’re a feeder.”

“Don’t call me that.” Raven’s green eyes flashed. “I’m in love with him.”

“Don’t you understand?” The priest’s eyes filled with pity. “They don’t love. They’re evil.”

“You don’t know him.”

“Yes, I do. I know all about the Prince of Florence.”


The priest’s eyes locked on hers. “I’m part of a group that protects human beings from vampyres.”

Raven felt as if her heart stopped beating.

Father Kavanaugh moved his chair closer.

“I’m a member of a group called the Curia.”

Chapter Twenty-seven

“What?” Raven croaked, her mouth and throat suddenly dry.

“I take it you’ve heard of us.”

She nodded, trying to process his revelation.

“I was recruited to join the Curia shortly after I became a Jesuit. I’ve been serving them ever since. They just transferred me to Rome.”

“You’re one of them?”

The priest frowned. “I see he’s been filling your head with nonsense.”

“You kill them.”

“We free them.”

“A polite euphemism for murder,” she scoffed.

“We exorcise the demon, allowing the human being to be free of its control.”

“So you say.” Raven wrapped her hands around her middle, fighting the creeping ascent of nausea. “I heard about what happened in the Middle Ages. How you laid waste to them.”

“Revisionist history. Did the vampyre describe what Europe was like before the Curia was formed?”

Raven pressed her lips together. “Not really.”

He leaned forward in his chair. “Then let me enlighten you. They were like animals, feeding on everyone—women and children, the aged, the sick. And in every case, every single case, they violated the victim sexually. When they feed, they rape. Their victim is never the same.”

Raven shut her eyes and turned her face away. “I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true. They use mind control or force to overpower their victims, then they take what they want, leaving a damaged person behind. They’re horrible, evil beings.”

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