Home > The Shadow (The Florentine #2)(56)

The Shadow (The Florentine #2)(56)
Author: Sylvain Reynard

“We can wait,” Patrick offered, his eyes narrowing at the Mercedes.

“Give Raven time with her boyfriend.” Gina tugged on his hand. “Raven, we can meet you there.”

“Thanks.” She gave Gina an appreciative look.

“Bring him with you,” Patrick called over his shoulder.

As her friends walked in the direction of the bar, Raven made her way over to the car. She opened the door and climbed in, closing the door carefully behind her.

Chapter Thirty-nine

“I’m surprised to see you. I haven’t spoken to you since Monday night.” Raven clutched her knapsack, making no move toward him.

William turned to address the driver. “To the villa, Luka.”

“Wait.” Raven fidgeted with her knapsack. “My friends are going for drinks to celebrate the completion of the restoration project. I’m going with them.”

William blinked. “Very well.”

“That’s it?” She frowned. “That’s all you have to say?”

William adjusted his cuff links, avoiding her censorious look. “You wish to be with your friends. I understand. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

“But you won’t see me,” she protested. “Tomorrow night is the gala celebrating the restoration. I have to go.”

William’s eyes met hers. “Then I’ll see you afterward. Ring Ambrogio and let him know when to send the car. I’ll meet you at the villa.”

Raven turned to look out the darkly tinted window.

“I’m luggage,” she muttered.

“What’s that?” William’s tone was sharp.

“I’m something to be picked up and dropped off.” She lifted her knapsack to her shoulder and placed her hand on the door. “I haven’t seen you all week, after—after . . .” She faltered, suddenly fighting tears.

“Luka, get out of the car.” William’s tone was low and commanding.

The large man exited the vehicle and closed his door, affording the couple some privacy.

Without a word, William picked Raven up and placed her sideways on his lap, tossing her knapsack to the floor. He ran his thumbs under her eyes, gathering the moisture.

“What am I to do with you?” he whispered.

“Nothing, because I’m leaving.” She tried to move off his lap, but he placed an arm around her waist.

“Luka will drive you to meet your friends, after you explain the tears.” He dried her eyes again.

“If I have to explain it, then we have more trouble than I thought.”

William winced.

When it became clear he was waiting for her to speak, she huffed. “I swear, you are the most infuriating male I’ve ever encountered. Why are you avoiding me?”

William passed his hand over her hair. “Affairs of state have taken more than their share of my attention. I know I promised to see to it you had access to a swimming pool for your leg, but I haven’t had time. I shall have Ambrogio arrange it.”

“I don’t care about swimming! What I care about is you and how you’re treating me.”

William appeared confused. “How I am treating you?”

“When we spoke Monday night, you were cold to me.”

“I am cold.” He pressed his palm to her cheek.

“William.” Her tone was anguished. “When we’re apart, I miss you. I want to be with you. I want to talk to you. And when you’re cold, it hurts.”

Realization seemed to dawn on his expression. He pulled her against his chest, enveloping her in his arms. “My enemies will pay for every one of those tears.”

“I don’t want revenge. I just want you.”

His lips found her forehead and he held them there. “I love you a great deal. I’m sure it’s cruel of me to love you at all since we can’t have a normal life. Yet, I can’t bring myself to stop.”

“I know you worry about the city. But I worry about you. Please, don’t shut me out.”

“There are things in motion that I should tell you about. But not tonight.” His nose brushed the side of hers. “Dry your tears, Cassita. I regret every one.”

She wiped at her face and kissed him, looping her arms around his neck.

“We’ll take you to your friends. Tomorrow night, we shall be together.”

She smiled and the change was reflected on William’s face as his expression eased.

“I am not an easy being to love, Cassita. But I swear my sins of omission are in reality sins of love. I’m trying to protect you and the city. I’m failing.”

“I’m sorry about the city. I don’t understand what it would be like to be responsible for so many people.” She touched his face, tracing his knitted eyebrows and proud mouth. “I just wish we had more time together.”

He kissed the side of her hand. “However did I come to be the slave of so magnanimous a lady?”

Without giving the opportunity for Raven to reply, William knocked on the ceiling of the car. Luka opened the door and slipped into the driver’s seat. Soon the Mercedes was wending its way from the gallery and down the street.

Chapter Forty

William carried in his pocket the means to save his city. The procedure was simple enough—deliver Raven to the Curia and Florence would be spared.

He’d spent centuries protecting his principality. He’d devoted his entire vampyric existence to it, constantly striving to ensure his citizens enjoyed an easy, comfortable life, secure in the knowledge the Curia would never march through their streets the way they’d done in Prague and Paris and Budapest.

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