Home > Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (Hot Damned #6)(33)

Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (Hot Damned #6)(33)
Author: Robyn Peterman

Raquel and I should have been locked in a room having mind blowing sex, not answering a Vampyre sibling prank call in a vault of death.

“No, definitely not. He values his body parts too much to be that stupid,” she answered. She closed her eyes and concentrated. “He’s here. I know he’s here.”

I opened my mind and let it wander. One of my gifts was reading minds. If Gareth was close by, maybe I could pick up his thoughts. He was, I did… and it wasn’t pretty.

“To the right,” I said tersely.

Raquel opened her eyes and stared at me. “You found him?”

“I found someone,” I told her cautiously. It was possibly Gareth, but if it was him he’d changed dramatically.

“What the Hell do you mean?” she asked nervously.

“I’m not sure. Follow me and stay behind me,” I instructed.

With a huff and a hiss, Raquel punched me in the shoulder. “I’m as powerful as you are,” she insisted. “We walk side-by-side.”

“While that may be true,” I conceded. “I’m still a macho cavedude. I just mated with the love of my life, whom I’ve chased for hundreds of years. It would do wonders for my peace of mind if you would walk behind me.”

She glared at me and I grinned. Even pissed off she was hotter than Hell. I could literally see her brain working as she tried to win our impasse. Then her eyes lit up and it was all I could do not to slam her against the wall and take her.

“What do I get if I do?” she asked as a smile pulled at her beautiful lips.

“What do you want?” I asked curious at what she would choose.

There was very little if anything I wouldn’t do for her and I wondered if she was aware of that fact.

“I want to be on top,” she informed me with a sexy glint in her eyes and her hands on her shapely hips. “And I get to boss you in the bedroom for an entire evening.”

“How about this,” I countered. “You can boss me in the bedroom for a week straight and every Tuesday for the rest of eternity if you walk behind me.”

“Really?” She clapped her hands together with delight and danced in a circle.

It was a no brainer and a win—win. Watching her naked and atop me was a fantasy of mine. As long as I ended up buried to the hilt inside her body I didn’t give a shit who was in charge.

“Really,” I promised. “Now get that hot little ass behind me before you force me to spank it and let’s find your brother.”

“Yes, sir,” she purred suggestively and dramatically lowered her gaze with a snort.

“What was that?” I asked as she continued to giggle.

“I was being submissive.” She burst into full blown laughter. “Don’t you want me to go all Fifty Shades of Mated Vampyre for you?”

“Sweet Jesus, did you read that book too?” I asked as I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned. My gal was anything but submissive, and I liked it just fine—actually I loved it. She was a freaking animal in bed.

“You read it?” she demanded shocked.

“I most certainly did not,” I huffed.

“But you said too,” she accused. “As in you read it.”

“Astrid read it and unfortunately, I got a play-by-play synopsis of the damned thing,” I said with a sad shake of my head. “Those are hours of my life I will never be able to get back.”

She laughed and threw her arms around me.

“So I take it you read it?” I inquired.

She nodded and winked. “I did. It reminded me of Twilight except they screwed all the time.”

“You know it was based on Twilight fan fiction,” I told her.

She gaped at me.


“You read Twilight?”

“Absolutely not,” I snapped. “Astrid did.”

“I’m starting to think Astrid is a convenient excuse for you to hide your metrosexual reading tendencies.”

“My metrosexual reading tendencies strictly pertain to the classics, not fiction where Vampyres sparkle in the sun,” I informed her flatly.

“Come on. I thought that part was really funny,” she said. “I especially liked that they drank animal blood and hated werewolves.”

“Have you ever tried animal blood?” I asked her.

“Hell no. Have you?”

“On a dare from Astrid after she read the damn book. We both did,” I replied sheepishly.


“It was bland and quite gross. However, Astrid heaved for several hours after our stunt, which made the entire unsavory business worth it.”

Raquel’s laughter made my heart sing. The thought of making her happy for eternity made me feel ten feet tall.

“I love you,” I told her.

Her laughter disappeared and her eyes glowed green with desire.

“I’ve loved you for so long I don’t remember what it was like not to love you,” she admitted and pressed her body to mine.

The feelings that rushed through me were so much more than sexual. I was whole with her in my arms. Never had I let myself imagine how perfect it would be to have her truly be mine.

“Has Astrid ever watched Love at First Bite or Buffy?” she asked with an evil snort.

“No and please don’t suggest either,” I begged.

I’d seen Love at First Bite and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. My sister, Cathy thought they were hilarious. We drank shots of vodka for every time a set of fangs popped out. Those were some of the very few times I’d tied one on as a Vampyre.

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