Home > Werewolves Be Damned (Magic & Mayhem #1)(43)

Werewolves Be Damned (Magic & Mayhem #1)(43)
Author: Stacey Kennedy

She jerked her head to Zia in horror, since she had thought she imagined the sounds of fighting before she teleported into Carson City. She stared in silent concern, as Zia added, “I suspect to keep us away from your home long enough for Lazarus to attack you.”

Nexi swallowed. “Did anyone die?”

Zia shook her head slowly, but no pride shone in her gaze, only compassion. “Our Guard protected the Otherworld. I suspect Lazarus gave the wolves hope that once he drained you, he’d come and aid in the fight.”

“That’s good…” Nexi swallowed again, thick emotion crawling its way over her. “It’s good no one else died from the Otherworld.” Needing more answers and not allowing herself to fall to pieces, she put her despair in that place in her soul that allowed her to go on. “Explain this: why was the magic so painful?”

Zia studied her a moment. “As I explained before, I didn’t know what was going to trigger your magic—”

“Oh, I know. I had a vision of Tillie—I saw her dying.”

“Did you?” Zia asked.

Nexi nodded.

Sadness swept over Zia’s features, darkening her eyes. “I imagine that’s your Spirit Witch abilities. You obviously tapped into an imprint left on Lazarus and witnessed the event through him. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“I’m sorry too, but I’m sorta glad at the same time.” She shrugged, glancing at Kyden, who continued to stare at her with intensity, then she turned to Zia again. “Without that, I’d probably be dead.”

“Powerful, yes,” Zia agreed. “Apparently, your strong reaction to the vision triggered your magic to rise, and because you were so angry, you couldn’t control it. Magic is potent and if unmanaged, it does hurt tremendously.”

Reaching for a leaf, she twirled it, feeling Kyden’s gaze all over her as if he ran his finger down her neck. “So, what happens now? You know, with my magic stuff?”

“It’s imperative you start your training. You’re like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.” Zia hesitated, searching Nexi’s eyes. “But I think it’s best for you to take a little break first.”

Nexi pointed out the obvious. “If I’m so dangerous, why wait?”

Zia gave a reassuring smile, patting Nexi’s leg. “Right now, you’re filled with despair, sweetie, it’ll only lead to disaster. You saw what your anger did tonight. You need to get in control of your emotions before we start digging into your power and open the flood gates, so to speak.”

Nexi thought over the implication Zia presented, and she didn’t like where her thoughts took her. “Are you saying I can’t be a guardian anymore?”

Zia hesitated again, seemed to choose her words carefully. “You need a break. You can always return to your guardian duties, as long as you can control your magic.”

Kyden didn’t give Nexi the chance to ask when they would test her control. His tense voice cut in, “Are you done now?”

Turning to him, Nexi shivered from the promise in his voice. His intent became all too clear. He didn’t avoid touching her because he didn’t want to. He avoided her because once he touched her he didn’t plan to stop. The tightness and almost curtness in how he spoke indicated the past minutes were a strain for him, and his patience had fled.

“Yes, we’re done,” Zia said sternly to him, but to Nexi she smiled. “Don’t stay here too long. You both need rest.”

After Zia stood, Nexi looked to her guardian, drinking in the sight of glorious masculinity. In her peripheral vision, she noticed Zia leaving the meadow and vanishing up the hill, but she couldn’t take her eyes of Kyden. “Can you stand there a minute?” She smiled, leaning back on her arms. “It’s a nice view.”

“No, I’m afraid I can’t.” He strode forward, and once he reached her, he assisted her to her feet. He brushed his hands up her neck to cup her face in his strong hands. “You said you loved me, do you remember that?”

“Of course, I do,” she whispered.

He hesitated, his eyes filled with emotion. “This is more than that you know.”

“More than what?”

“What I feel for you, Nexi, extends beyond any type of love I’ve ever known.” He pressed his forehead against hers. “Your life here is new, but this…between us…” He looked into her eyes again. “This is new to me.”

She smiled, teary-eyed. “So, you kinda love me, too, huh?”

“Last night, Álainn…with Lazarus…” His fingers tightened around her face. “I would give all that I am to protect you.” His eyebrow arched, as his head dipped toward hers. “Love cannot possibly describe what this is between us…it’s more.”

Not giving her the chance to say she understood, that she went to her old home not only to inflict justice on the vampire, but because her life without Kyden in it was unthinkable, he sealed his mouth over hers.

Running his hands along her body, he then unclipped her kilt, letting it fall to the ground. After which, and through kisses that became more heated with each one, he removed her bra, followed by her shorts.

A moment of worry hit, about being na**d in the meadow, but her concern instantly settled as the sun warmed her back, reminding her that everyone would be fast asleep. Besides, Zia had placed her willow in the far corner of the meadow, away from watchful eyes.

Releasing her mouth, Kyden stepped back, and Nexi watched him remove his gear. First, his scabbard with sword dropped to the grass below. Then his kilt followed and when he hooked his fingers into his shorts, her breath caught in her throat.

Once again, and as it seemed each time she saw him na**d, she couldn’t breathe as she took in all of him. Kyden was definitely all male—every last hard bit of him. She scanned over every line of his spectacular physique and with that sexy arch of his mouth, he lowered his hand. With slow sensual movements, he stroked himself, calling her to him—teasing her with his touch.

Nexi didn’t need the invitation.

She closed the distance between them, sank to her knees and grasped his thick erection. As she took him deep into her mouth, he hissed through his teeth, and she set a slow rhythm of fluid strokes.

He stared down at her with fire flickering in his gaze, and he ran his fingers along her jawline. “Yes, Álainn, that’s it.” Tossing his head back, he grunted, “Just like that.”

With each play of her mouth and stroke of her hand, his breath deepened. He tangled his fingers in her hair to guide her in a gentle request that she take him deeper and faster, until she was lost in the pleasure she offered.

When her strokes quickened and her head bobbed faster, his body tensed and muscles quivered. He gave a thunderous gasp as he stepped back, pulling his erection from between her lips. His smoldering gaze burned wicked when he leaned down, wrapped his hands around her face and took her mouth furiously—tasting every part of hers while they worked their tongues in a heated embrace.

Without missing a beat, he lifted her to him and slid his hands down her body, sending warm currents of need simmering low in her belly. He grasped her br**sts and her ni**les puckered, awakening to his answering thumbs. As they hardened with a desperate plea, he tore from her mouth to bask a tight bud in the gloriousness that was his mouth.

Her only response was to grasp his shoulders in a frantic attempt to remain upright. He licked his way back up her body, and his ravenousness eyes locked with hers. A wild hunger consumed her.

Grabbing his hand, she demanded it go lower, and he grinned devilishly. “Ah, is this what you’re after?” Lightly running his fingers along her inner thigh, he painfully drew out the moment until he finally reached her slick heat, instantly sending her to wobble as the pleasure nearly shattered her.

When his touch lingered inwards, her breath became ragged, and her legs gave out. Kyden caught her in his arms and laid her down in front of him. He settled between her thighs, raised up on his forearms, and slid his hands beneath her head.

His erection rested against her fiery flesh, and she tensed. He rubbed against her, allowing her wetness to spread along his hardened length as he primed her for entry. Then he lifted his h*ps and pushed forward. She grabbed his hips, stopping him, realizing she almost made a stupid mistake. “What about a condom?”

He groaned, and the strain of waiting showed in his pinched expression. “Condoms are for mortals. Supernaturals—as in, me—are magically protected from pregnancy. When children are wanted, the magic is removed.”


That was all she got out before he shifted his h*ps forward, and she gasped at the shock of the sensation, digging her nails into his arms. He stopped with only a little of himself sheathed inside, and kissed her again.

She was barely able to kiss him and everything seemed so strained.

Kyden pushed a little farther, only to meet resistance. Her body was tight against him, and she whimpered. “Shh…” he crooned, brushing his nose against jawline. “We’re meant to fit together. I belong right here, Álainn.”

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