Home > Fated (Relentless #6)(56)

Fated (Relentless #6)(56)
Author: Karen Lynch

“It’s a healing accelerant, with a sedative mixed in.”

“She has a head injury, and you’re giving her a sedative?” I asked incredulously.

Margot smiled. “It sounds like an odd combination, but it’ll keep her body in a relaxed state so her Mori can heal her. She’ll be as good as new in the morning.”

I released the healer’s arm so she could administer the drug. When she finished, she straightened and began packing up her bag.

“Can I hold her?” I asked. There was no way I could leave Beth tonight. I’d sit by her bed and hold her hand if that was all Margot allowed.

Margot turned to me with bag in hand, and her calmness eased some of my worry.

“I’d recommend it, actually. Her Mori is distressed, and physical contact with you would calm it.”

I followed the healer to the living room where Nikolas and Sara waited to hear about Beth. Before either of us could speak, the front door burst open and Mason ran in.

“Is Beth okay?” he asked fearfully.

Sara motioned for him to lower his voice. Understanding crossed his face, and he shut the door quietly.

“Beth has a concussion, but she’ll be fine,” Margot assured everyone. “I gave her something to help her heal, and all she needs now is a good night’s sleep.”

The tension in the room dissipated, and everyone seemed to sag with relief.

“Thank God,” Sara murmured.

Nikolas put an arm around her, pulling her close. His eyes met mine, and his expression told me he knew exactly how I was feeling. He’d been there a few times.

“We’ll get out of here and let her rest,” he said, already turning Sara toward the door.

Mason followed them out. Margot stopped at the door and looked back at me.

“I’ll be at the house, but I doubt you’ll need me anymore tonight. All she needs is rest and you.”

“Thanks for everything. I’m glad you were here.”

I closed the door behind her and returned to the bedroom. Turning off the light, I kicked off my boots and eased my body down next to Beth without jostling her. She lay on her back, so I turned on my side and laid an arm over her with my head on the pillow beside hers.

I hadn’t realized how worked up my Mori still was until I had Beth in my arms again. It strained against me, trying to get closer to her Mori.

“I’m here, Dove,” I whispered against her ear, wishing I could do more for her. If she and I had been mated, I would have been able to share my strength with her, and I wouldn’t feel so helpless. All I could do was offer her the comfort of my touch.

Gradually, her nearness calmed my agitated demon, and I was able to focus on something other than her attack. I replayed our conversation in the SUV, my chest tightening when I remembered the pain in Beth’s eyes when she’d asked me why I hadn’t gone back to Longstone. I’d been waiting for the right time to tell her the truth, but it was the last thing I’d expected to talk about tonight. She’d looked happier after our talk, and I had felt the rift between us finally heal. All that was left was for me to make her mine in the only way that remained.

My body burned with need when I thought about our smoldering kiss. God, she had no idea what she did to me. She was sweet innocence and seduction at once, so responsive yet demure. She’d made me forget where we were and why we were there, and I’d stopped only because I had sensed her hesitation when I’d started to take it beyond a kiss.

I was still awake hours later when Beth stirred. She murmured incoherently then turned and snuggled against me as if she couldn’t get close enough to me.

“I didn’t break my promise,” she slurred.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. “I know.”

She sighed happily and went back to sleep. I followed soon after.

It was daylight when I awoke to the sound of the front door opening. A minute later, a smiling Margot appeared in the bedroom doorway.

“Came to check on our patient,” she whispered. “How did she sleep?”

“Good. She only moved once.”

The healer entered the bedroom. “Why don’t you go get cleaned up? I’ll stay with her until you return.”

I looked down at my clothes splattered with dried demon blood from last night’s kills. The last thing I’d been able to think about when we got back here was changing my clothes, but I should do that now. I didn’t want Beth to see me like this when she woke up.

Thanking Margot, I went to the main house to shower. I’d been staying in my old room since Gregory and his team had moved into the new safe house.

Freshly showered and changed, I headed to the kitchen where Nikolas was making breakfast for him and Sara.

“How’s Beth?” he asked.

“Much better, I think. Margot is with her now.”

He put four slices of bread into the toaster and checked on his bacon.

“Seamus filled me in on what happened. We’re doubling the protective detail on Paige Collins until this is over.”

I leaned against the breakfast bar. “Does she know she was almost kidnapped again?”

“No. As far as she knows, she drank too much and fell asleep on the back porch.”

“If he’s set on her, he’ll try again,” I said.

Nikolas nodded. “Possibly. But he knows we’re protecting her now, so he might think she’s too much of a risk.”

“That’s true.”

I hoped so for Paige’s sake. One thing I knew for sure was Beth was not going on another job that might put her in contact with the Lilin or his sons. She wasn’t going to like it, but I was putting my foot down, something I should have done weeks ago. She was too young and inexperienced to be involved in a dangerous situation like this one. And my heart couldn’t take another scare like last night’s.

“No more jobs like this for Beth,” I stated with finality. “Jordan and Mason should be pulled from them as well.”

Nikolas nodded gravely. “I agree. I’ll call for a meeting this afternoon to let everyone know.”

The doorbell rang, and Nikolas and I looked in that direction as Sara walked past us.

“I’ll get it,” she called over her shoulder.

I heard the door open and the murmur of female voices. Sara reappeared, wearing something that closely resembled a scowl.

The reason for Sara’s unhappy expression sauntered in behind her. The newcomer pushed her sunglasses atop her head and tucked her long black hair behind an ear as her lips curved into a genuine smile.

“Nikolas, Chris, how lovely to see you again.”


The pounding in my head woke me, and I opened my blurry eyes to stare up at the ceiling of my bedroom. I was groggy and disoriented, and I lay there for a few minutes until my mind could piece together my distorted memories. Chris…Paige…Incubi…


I shot up in bed and flopped back down as the room spun.

“Easy there,” said a soothing female voice.

I turned my head to see Margot entering my bedroom.

“Where’s Chris?” I demanded, my panic rising. If I needed a healer, he’d be here. Unless he couldn’t be.

The healer smiled as she walked over to the bed.

“Chris left a few minutes ago to clean up. He was still wearing his clothes from last night, and he wanted to shower before you woke up.”

Relief hit me so hard I could barely speak. “He’s okay?”

“Yes. How are you feeling?”

I took stock of my aches and pains before I answered her. “I’ve never had a hangover, but I imagine this is what a bad one feels like.”

Margo chuckled. “That’s an apt description. You took a hard blow to the head, and I gave you something to help you heal faster. It has unpleasant side effects.” She held up a can of gunna paste. “And this will remedy those.”

I made a face and dutifully ate some of the horrid paste. No matter how many times you took the stuff, you never got used to the taste.

“Why can’t they make that taste like chocolate?” I complained after I’d drunk the glass of water she’d held to my mouth.

She laughed. “Maybe to discourage warriors from getting hurt.”

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