Home > Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(50)

Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(50)
Author: Nashoda Rose

“Please, call me Danni.” Ryker’s eyes roamed the length of me. It wasn’t sexual or anything, more as if he was assessing me.

“Come in.” Ryker stepped back from the door and Balen looped his arm around my waist as we went inside.

“Keir tell you what’s going down?” Balen asked.

“That the Wraiths want your head on their altar?” Ryker shrugged. “We protect our own.”

“And we’re not a fan of the Wraiths anyway.” A woman’s soft, lyrical voice billowed down from the top of the spiral staircase.

Her hair was the color of the sun, and as she drew closer, I noticed her soft, angelic features with azure eyes that sparkled with intelligence and warmth.

Ryker strode over to her and kissed her, his hands lingering on her hips. “My other half. Hannah.”

She radiated a brilliant smile as she walked over to Balen and kissed both his cheeks. “It’s good to see you made it here safely. I’m so pleased Keir asked us for our assistance. Ryker and I heard what happened with Ryszard a couple years ago.” Hannah pulled me into a warm embrace. “I’m honored to meet you.”

Ryker chuckled. “My maite, Hannah, has been eager to meet you, Danni.”

Hannah took my hand from Balen’s. “Come on. I’ll show you where the washroom is so you can get cleaned up and then we will have tea. In the morning, you can meet Kilter. He loves to cook and makes the best eggs you’ve ever tasted.”

Balen’s firm voice caused me to hesitate from leaving his side. “Kilter resides here?”

Ryker replied, “Yes. But he’s . . . controlled. He’ll never harm your woman, Balen.” Well, that was good to know. “Well, not physically anyway, can’t say much for his mouth. Hannah has taken a real liking to him over the years.”

Balen grunted then looked at me and nodded. “It’s okay.”

“Sweetie, go show Balen the guest rooms.”

“Our room,” Balen corrected. “She stays with me.”

Hannah laughed. “Oh, man, he has it bad. Don’t worry, you get used to the caveman shit.”

After I used the bathroom, we sat in the kitchen at the island on barstools with two steaming cups of green tea. I was overwhelmed by Hannah’s kindness as it was three in the morning and I could tell she was exhausted by her pale face and slow movements. But she insisted on chatting and making me feel at home. “When Keir told my husband you were coming, I was so excited to meet you. Not that I’m glad about the Wraiths pursuing Balen, it’s just that I heard about what happened with Ryzsard. It’s not often a human survives a vampire. Balen saved your life.”

I cupped my hands around the warm mug of tea. “Yeah, he did,” I said quietly. He protected me from Ryszard by sacrificing himself.

Hannah patted my arm. “Don’t worry. It will work out. Waleron won’t have it any other way. Have you met him yet?” I nodded. “Isn’t he an ice-cold asshole?”

I snorted. “I nearly peed my pants when I met him. Then when he opened his mouth, I wanted to punch him and run and hide.”

Hannah laughed and it sounded light and infectious. “I’ve never told Ryker this because it would go to his head, but I thanked God he was with me when I met Waleron. I can face an enemy like any Scar, but Waleron . . . Jesus, he’s scary.”

“You’re a Scar? Like Balen?” I hadn’t considered that she was one as well, but it made sense. I was surprised this fragile woman fought against guys like Ryszard.

Hannah nodded. “That’s how I met Ryker. I’m a Sounder.” I wasn’t sure what that meant and Hannah must’ve picked up on my puzzled expression, because she said, “I can hear sounds for about a two-mile radius. “I met Ryker about sixty years ago when my Talde was attacked. Long story short, Ryker saved my life. Been together ever since.” She smiled. “Ryker is a Visionary. He and Keir are good friends, although we haven’t been to Toronto in decades.”

“Okay, info overload, this all has been . . . pretty freaky.” Or insane. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Scars, vampires and witches exist. And the Wraiths . . . I don’t even know what to think of them.”

Hannah put her hand on mine. “You’re a brave woman, Danni. What you survived with Ryszard, and now this.”

“I’ve been scared for two years, Hannah. That’s not brave.”

“Bravery is defined in many ways,” Hannah said, keeping her voice soft as a feather floating through the air. “You survived. You sit here beside me and breathe and smile and look radiant. You feel for Balen, not for saving your life, but for who he is. And yes, I can tell how much you care for him. Anyone can see it just by how you look at him.” Hannah sighed and rested her hand on top of mine. “The Wraiths abide by the laws. Just be careful. Don’t stay too long in one place or nature will tell them where you are.”

“Will they know you helped us?”

“Yes.” Hannah smiled. “And they’ll do something to piss Ryker off.” She lowered her voice and leaned in. “But when Ryker gets mad, he’s hotter than hell and the sex . . .”

I laughed.

“And speaking of which,” Hannah winked and got up, “my husband is insisting I come to bed. We were up most of the night . . . working.” I had no idea what working meant to a Scar and I suspected now wasn’t the time to ask. “Truth is, Ryker hates to sleep alone. Balen is in the guest room beside the bathroom. From the sounds of it, he’s in the shower. When Kilter gets back, he’ll fix you and Balen something to eat. Or help yourself.”

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