Home > Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(67)

Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(67)
Author: Nashoda Rose

His voice was weak and ragged. I hoped it was because he was sleeping, not from anything they might be doing to him. “I told you—”

“Yeah, well, Kilter doesn’t listen very well. Which building?”

“I was drugged. I don’t know where the hell I am,” Ryker said.

“When they took you out of the vehicle, which way did you go?”

I waited. Silence. Was he thinking? Had he fallen back asleep? Passed out?

“Right,” Ryker replied and I breathed a sigh of relief. “Then straight, then we stopped. A six-digit code was punched in, and then we entered a building. Then . . . I fought them and they injected me with more drugs.”

I relayed the information to Kilter.

“The amulet. It’s in the other room behind the nightstand in the wall. Get it,” Kilter demanded.

“Kilter, sundown is in two hours. There’s not enough time for you to get out before the sensors are put on again.”

“I don’t intend to get out today. Get the amulet. I need you close. I’m not sure how far away the amulet will work. Go to the cliff on the east side of the compound. Keir knows where it is.”

“But what am I supposed to do with the amulet?”

“When I tell you, uncover it, put it around your neck, and hold it between your palms. Think of Ryker and Hannah.”

“But what does it—”

Kilter’s voice was harsh. “Don’t question. Just do it.”

Fine. Did I have a choice? “Kilter . . . be careful.” No clue why I said that. I hated the overbearing control freak.

“What the hell does he think he’s doing?” Balen said. I had no answer and Balen didn’t appear as if he wanted one. “How on Earth does he expect to get him out on his own?”

“The amulet,” I said. “He says it will protect Ryker somehow.” I told him what Kilter said and, by the end, Balen was fuming.

“I don’t want you anywhere near that fuckin’ place.” His voice rose just as Delara, Jedrik, and Keir came through the adjoining door.

Jedrik’s blond curls were in complete disarray and he was rubbing his crotch. “What’s all the racket about?”

“Kilter’s in the compound. He plans on getting Ryker out himself,” Balen said.

Jedrik shrugged. “Could’ve guessed he’d do something stupid like that. He works alone.”

“He’s an idiot,” Keir said. “And he may have just screwed it up for all of us.”

Balen repeated the conversation I had with Kilter.

“The cliff is the only hiding place, but if they discover her, she’ll be trapped.”

“If he manages to get out quietly, we won’t have to worry about it,” Jedrik said. “But I highly doubt that’ll happen. Kilter’s a cowboy.”

“We don’t have much choice,” Keir said, pulling out his cell. “I’ll contact Hack. If he’s managed to get into their computer system, he could set up a distraction.”

“So what’s the deal?” Jedrik asked.

“Delara, attempt to track Kilter’s movements and keep us posted on what he’s up to. Jedrik, use your sight to get us as much data as you can around the perimeter. We have one day to get a lock on this place.”

Keir hung up the phone. “Hack needs more time to get into their system.” Keir kicked the small, wood chair at the desk and it toppled over. “Fuckin,’ Kilter.”

“I’ll keep an eye on the gate. If there is any suspicion of us being here, I’ll scent it,” Balen said.

“I’ll go with you,” I said.

Balen scowled. “No fuckin’ way, and this time, Danni, no argument. You’re staying here. Period.”

I didn’t argue.

I GRABBED HER FROM behind just as she finished punching in the code. My arm locked around her waist and I yanked her up against my chest with a harsh jolt. “Keep your mouth shut.” I pressed my knife to her throat. “Open the door.”

Her back stiffened, but she obeyed without question. I kept her against my chest as we went inside. A camera hung up on the far right and it slowly turned in our direction. I shoved her against the wall, keeping our bodies out of its range.

I scanned the ceiling and then along the length of the wall. There. A vent. The camera swiveled in our direction—Fuck. I shoved her forward with my knife still on her jugular. She had yet to try to scream, which was a bonus. Actually, the chick didn’t fight me at all.

I guessed we had twenty seconds before the camera hit us. I reached the vent and pushed her to the floor then shoved my knee in her back. “Scream and I’ll snap your neck.” Using my telekinesis, I focused on the vent’s screws, and slowly, one by one, they began to move. A slight gasp emerged from the chick and I nudged her in the back.

I yanked the cover off the wall. “In. Now.”

“If I’m missing, he’ll—”

I grabbed her arm and pushed her into the vent. She climbed inside and I grunted at the echoing sound as she made her way down the duct. I jumped in after her; then put the cover back in place. I fixated on the screws and each one hovered in the air then inserted back in place.

I crawled along the air duct until I reached where it divided into two directions. The chick sat waiting for me.

“One sound and this knife,” I ran my finger along the blade, “slices across your throat.”

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