Home > Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(70)

Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(70)
Author: Nashoda Rose

Holy fuck. I nearly blew my load right then.

“You can’t do shit like that and expect me to stay standing here.” I took a step toward her. She stepped back, her hand still in her pants, except now I could see the movement beneath her jeans.

“I’m so goddamn wet for you right now, Balen.”

I groaned and made a dive for her, but she was ready and leapt to the side. She removed her hand from her pants and then held up two fingers that glistened with her moisture.

“Baby,” I groaned.

She caressed her lips with the moisture, and then her tongue darted out and licked. I swore I had a mini-orgasm as everything in me tightened. I was trying to keep my shit together but Danni was doing everything she could to sever all my control.

“I don’t take well to teasing.”

“Didn’t think you would.” She wiggled her ass as she slipped out of her jeans, taking her red panties with them.

My hand went to my cock as I stared at her and rubbed myself, trying to find some sort of release from the ache. But the second I touched myself, control broke and I groaned loud just before I went for her.

She screamed, one leg still stuck in her jeans as she tried to dart away. She would’ve crashed to the floor except for my arm locking around her waist and hauling her up against me so close that her ass was pressed into my cock. “You finished having your fun?” I made sure she wasn’t going anywhere by tightening my hold.

Instead of answering, my little minx reached between her legs and started playing with herself again. Her head went back to rest on my chest and she moaned, her legs trembling.

“No fuckin’ way.” I grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away, then forced her closer to the bed until her knees were up against it. “You want to play? I’ll play. Bend over.”

At that, she jerked and so did my cock.


I pushed her onto the mattress, keeping my hand on the small of her back. “And I know you’re okay like this. You said so yourself. Only lying on your back bothers you.”


I smacked her ass once.

“Balen, stop.”

“You need to get off; my fingers can do a way better job than yours can. All you need to do is ask.” I kept pressure on her back while my other hand undid my jeans, and then I shoved them off my ass and my cock sprang free. It never felt so fuckin’ good.

“Balen, I’m not sure—” I smacked her again, a little harder, but only enough to get her attention and she moaned. It was a good moan and it made the blood drain from every part of my body and go straight to my cock.

“I’m going to fuck you now, little one. And it’s going to be hard. You good with that?”

She nodded, her cheek pressed into the mattress and I could see the desire whirling in her eyes. I ran my fingers down her back then grabbed my cock, slid it between her moisture and then up her ass crack.

She tensed for a second as I played a bit around her ass, knowing she was uncertain whether I was going to fuck her there or not.

“Not this time.” I pressed at the tightened puckered spot. “But we will. And Danni,” I leaned over her and kissed the back of her neck, “it’s going to hurt and you’re going to love every second of it.”

I pressed my hips hard into hers and she arched, pushing back. “Would you stop fucking around and put that beautiful cock inside me?”

I chuckled and it was the first time I’d actually laughed while in the middle of sex. Damn, I loved this woman. My eyes hit the gold bands and I froze. She must have felt the sudden tension in me because she titled her head up to look at me.

She reached for my one hand resting on the mattress. Her fingers interlocked with mine and squeezed. We both knew what was coming. We’d fought against it. We’d run from it. We’d fought together over it.

I’d asked her to fight. Fight what? The gold bands were my prison.

Her soft whisper leaked into me and it wasn’t what I expected. “Baby. Cock. Now.”

Those words from her mouth snapped any control I had left. I pressed my tip to her wet entrance then grabbed her by the hips, and with one hard shove, thrust deep. She screamed, her body tensing and her hand linked with mine, curling.

I knew my fingers were bruising her hips, but I couldn’t help it. I slammed into her, loving the sound of her ass and my pelvis slapping together over and over again. She moaned and pressed back into me. I drove harder. I let go of one hip and slid my hand beneath her and found her clit.

I grinned when her breath hitched and she moaned.

“Not yet.” I played back and forth while I continued to thrust into her, the bed creaking from my hard thrusts. “Wait for me,” I ground out.

Not that I was lasting much longer.

“Balen,” she cried. “Please. Now.”

I should’ve made her wait. I wanted to make her wait, but I was losing it and . . .”Now. Fuck, now.” I groaned and my cock lurched.

Her muscles tightened and clenched around me as we both came. Her back arched and fists pulled at the sheets. I rolled my hips, keeping her ass tight to me.

I leaned over and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back so I could reach her mouth. Then I kissed her, slow and hard, taking what she was giving me—all of her.

And yet, I couldn’t have all of her, could I?

I roughly pulled back and slipped my cock from the heated moisture. I looked down at myself. Fuck. No condom. Jesus.

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