Home > Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(74)

Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(74)
Author: Nashoda Rose

Jedrik and Keir ran beside me as we weaved our way to the west of the compound toward the cliff. The bastards were trying to get the gates open, which were slow as molasses—not that I was complaining. Delara and Kilter had fallen out of sight over the dip in the hill. They’d be close to the car by now and would meet us at the rendezvous.

We ran around to the north of the compound and stopped at the edge of the cliff. “Danni, grab the rope.”

“Got it,” she said and I felt a tug.

“Fuck. Gates are opening,” Keir said. “Vehicles moving.”

I hauled ass, pulling Danni up the side of the cliff. As soon as I saw her face, I breathed a heavy sigh. I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto solid ground then wrapped my arms around her.

“Balen. God, I heard gunshots.” She ran her hands over my chest, searching for wounds. It was fuckin’ cute. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, little one. I’m good.”

“Company’s coming,” Jedrik shouted. “One Jeep headed after Delara and Kilter, one coming right at us. Five men. A walk in the park.” Jedrik readied his bow and crouched down at the corner of the compound wall. “Taking out the front right tire.”

I grabbed Danni’s hand and pulled her to the cover of the wall and put her back against it. “Don’t move.”

The smell that came hurtling into me was warning enough to tell me we were in trouble here. I didn’t have to tell Keir and Jedrik as they exchanged how-the-hell-is-this-possible looks.

Jedrik took out the front right tire and the truck skidded on the gravel then came to a halt. Five men jumped out and came running toward us. Keir got two shots off, but it did nothing to slow them down.

“Frig.” Jedrik aimed. His arrow hit one in the chest. The guy’s step faltered as he pulled the arrow from his flesh and threw it aside. “Grit,” Jedrik announced.

“What the hell? They’re all CWOs. Second on the right is a Maggot, smell apples as clear as day.” I had to get Danni out of here.

“Two Grits,” Keir said, taking aim, firing a shot, and hitting one guy in the head. He kept coming. “SOB just won’t die.”

I glanced at Danni, her face pale, but she was holding the gun I’d given her. “That’s my girl.”

A Grit plowed into Jedrik and they flew into the air and landed in a heap. I pulled my knives from beneath my coat and ran at the other Grit. Keir went after the two Maggots, who had the annoying capability of growing back injured limbs. The last guy was a Long Neck—big, burly, and slow—who also had to be decapitated to die. He went straight for Danni.

“Danni, the guy, he’s a Long Neck. Remember what I told you. Aim for his throat.”

I swung my knife at the Grit as the guy came barging into me. The knife went straight into the guy’s stomach and we both tumbled to the ground. I rolled to the side, taking my knife with me. The Grit cursed and grabbed for my leg, wrenching it to the side. I kicked out with my free leg, dislodging the Grit’s grip and rolling away. I climbed to my feet and—

I heard several gun shots, and then Danni’s scream.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the Long Neck grab the gun from her hand and toss it aside. “Danni,” I shouted and threw my knife in her direction. It landed on the ground at her feet and she dove for it.

My line of vision was blocked as the Grit came back at me. I tried to dodge the fierce punch but failed and it sent me flying through the air and into the stone wall.

“One down,” Keir shouted as a head went rolling across the ground and over the side of the cliff.


Fuck. I couldn’t get to her and neither could the others.

I elbowed the Grit in the face and the guy’s head shot back and his grip loosened. I took advantage and drove an uppercut to his chin, causing him to stagger back.

Ten feet.

I dove at the guy, a cold fury enveloping my body at the thought of anything happening to Danni. I ducked as a fist came swinging in my direction. A kick to the abdomen sent the Grit back another few steps.

Five feet.

My knife did nothing to the Grit since they healed spontaneously. Already the wound to the guy’s stomach was gone. I needed to deliver one more solid punch. I went full throttle at the guy with my fists, but this time, the Grit was ready and managed a kick to my jaw. I staggered back and shook my head to clear my vision.

I heard the scuffling of feet around me, but had no time to see how Keir, Jedrik, or Danni were managing. All I knew was this fucker was going over the edge of the cliff. I ran at him, and then, when we were one foot away from each other, I crouched and swung out my right leg, sending the guy to his ass. I didn’t hesitate as I picked the Grit up by his collar and swung my fist into his nose then pushed him backward as hard as I could. The Grit staggered, trying to gain his balance.

One foot.

His heels were on the edge of the cliff and he teetered there for seconds before I gave one more shot to the head and he vanished over the edge.

Jedrik was holding his own with the other Grit, attempting to do the same thing and getting him to the edge of the cliff.

I turned just as Keir’s Ink left his body and shifted into form. It looked half man and half panther, its eyes solid white, having no sight except what Keir saw. Its huge paw darted out, its claws extending as it hissed and sneered at the Maggot. Keir’s expression contorted in pain as his Ink took over. The animal made a dive for the enemy, hooked him with his front paws, and pulled back in one sharp jerk. The Maggot’s head was now between the Ink’s paws. A low growl sounded and the Ink ingested the head in one swallow. He looked up, hesitated. Then, in a flicker of bright light, the Ink reconnected with Keir, once again a tattoo.

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