Home > Dragon Mystics (Supernatural Prison #2)(73)

Dragon Mystics (Supernatural Prison #2)(73)
Author: Jaymin Eve

I grabbed the trench style jacket that I’d left over the end of the couch, the lining thick enough to keep me warm in the snowy outer of the sanctuary. I found myself moving to hug Lienda before we left. When the hell had I became the hugger of the family?

Her voice was low in my ear. “Be safe, and look after Mischa. But I want you to promise that you won’t save her over your own safety. Mischa is old enough to make her own decisions. I won’t lose both daughters.”

I didn’t say anything, I just tightened my arms a little more. It was nice that Lienda made it very clear that she had no favorites between us.

Next to jump on the Jessa hug train was Jacob, his earthy scent familiar as he wrapped me in his arms. “I love you, Jessa babe,” he said, “you got this. Don’t turn your back on those evil bitches, and suspect everyone.” He sang me a few lines of my favorite song, and I was thankful for the moments of calm.

I pulled away, leaving him with a kiss on the cheek. Maximus almost squeezed the life from me, and Tyson’s eyes flashed gold as he kissed the top of my head. I got a little emotional at that point and marched myself out of the room. I wasn’t pessimistic enough to think this was the last time I’d see them, but I didn’t have the best feeling about the entire thing. I didn’t trust the twins at all, and I knew anything could happen.

Jonathon, Louis and Braxton were a few steps behind me; I fought to focus my emotions. Now was not the time to dwell on what might happen in the next hours

I barely noticed the ride down in the elevator. All four of us were quiet, caught up in our own thoughts. Braxton’s warmth pressed along my side as we leaned back together against the wall. His presence worked better than anything at keeping fear at bay.

Mischa and the twins waited for us in front of our building. Standing with them was Quale.

“What are you doing here?” I asked the mystic. Yeah, it was blunt, but we had no time for niceties.

He didn’t pretend to be a moron, answering me succinctly. “You need me to drop the magical barriers.”

Right. I’d forgotten about that. Louis was going to create a step-though for us, but it wouldn’t work from within the sanctuary – the ancient magics which protected this place were too strong.

“How come you could step-through to Faerie then?” I asked Louis.

He shrugged. “It’s much more difficult from inside the barriers, I’d rather not expend that sort of energy right now. It’s easy enough to exit the sanctuary first.”

Fair enough.

We started to walk, following the gray-haired fey. I oriented myself to keep the fruit twins in sight. I knew they had something planned, I wasn’t letting them get the drop on me. I wanted a shot at preempting their next move.

Mischa strode into view, and all of my worries returned. Just seeing her drawn features, the way she trailed those two bitches. This shit had to end.

I caught up to her, reaching out to link my arm through hers. I spoke before she could.

“Look, I don’t get what is going on with you, I have no idea what they offered you, but I need you to remember … you’re my sister. My twin. No matter what, you belong in our pack.”

Mischa blinked rapidly before opening her mouth. I cut her off.

“No, there is nothing to say now. You clearly have an alliance with them and we have no choice but to follow through on this promise. But you and I both know that once the dragon king is dead, they’re going to run their asses underground and hide for eternity.” If I haven’t already killed them by that point. “And then, Misch, I will be right here for you.” My twin was fighting an internal battle, now was not the time for me to turn my back on her.

She bit her lip, suppressing whatever emotions wanted to emerge. We both knew it wasn’t the place to show our weaknesses, but I had to try. I had to extend a hand because I was pretty sure that should I lose my twin, the devastation would be all encompassing.

With a last nod, I let go of her arm and fell back to Braxton. He ran a hand over my hair and I knew he was proud of my moment of maturity. As long as he didn’t expect them too often.

We strode without pause through the center part of the sanctuary, weaving our way around buildings. Our group was quiet, watchful, each of us making sure the other didn’t screw with us behind our backs. I was thankful there were more people in this group I trusted than I didn’t.

It took us longer than usual to reach the desert area. There were lots of supernaturals milling around in various activities, getting in our way. It seemed we were going to cross out of this place by the same route which brought us in from the mountain. I hesitated, just barely, before stepping onto the red sand. The temperature immediately changed, heat flooding through all of us. We were reasonably rugged-up to prepare for the chill of outside, so sweaty butt crack was now in all of our immediate futures.


Braxton moved to my side, and Louis on the other. I didn’t question their actions. They were on the same wavelength as me. This was where the dragons and jinn liked to play ball, and both of them had already proven that they had some sort of interest in me, and now was not the time to battle with either.

We made it halfway through without incident. Braxton was the first to notice something amiss. I followed his line of sight and ground to a halt.

“What the actual hell is going on here?” I said, breathless as I tried to wrap my head around the sheer amazement of what I was seeing.

Orange actually gave me an answer of sorts. “They know we’re leaving the sanctuary, they’re acting as a guard. They are called to the four of the compass.”

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