Home > Dragon Mystics (Supernatural Prison #2)(82)

Dragon Mystics (Supernatural Prison #2)(82)
Author: Jaymin Eve

She was fast, her power leaving tingles on my tongue as it coated the room. But she did as she said, the wound was sealed. My sister was deathly white as I reached out and felt for her pulse. It was weak, erratic. I hoped she would be okay now that her blood was staying on the inside. Plus she was marked, she couldn’t die from blood loss, could she?

I must have murmured something about that out loud, because Lemon snorted. “The king is free, all marked can now die.” She took great delight in telling me this.

Say what? What happened to our immortality? And more importantly, if the marked could die…

“I guess that means you both can die now too.” I gently set my sister aside, standing in a smooth motion. Shit was about to get real.

I was preparing to launch in their direction when a deep voice shattered the room. “You might be my beloved, but I cannot have you hurt my daughters.” The powerful timbre echoed off the rock and froze my feet to the spot.

Dread settling heavily in my gut, I turned, hoping like heck I was wrong, but somehow I knew who would be stepping through that portal. Sure enough, as I faced my fear, a massive male filled the gateway, blocking the burning world behind him.

He was tall, bigger than any of the Compasses, with dark honey-blond hair and piercing eyes of undetermined color … maybe gray. Dressed all in black, like a weird armor made from … fuck, it looked like scales, which shimmered as he moved. He stepped into the room and I fell to my knees. His power was strong and it was sweet, like a river of honey washing over me. I knew I would drown if this continued, but it was so sweet and tantalizing, I didn’t even care.

Something tapped at a corner of my mind. It took me a few heartbeats to realize it was my dragon. She’d crawled out of her space in my center, her energy now prowling around my head. I didn’t hesitate, reaching for her, knowing she might be my one chance to fight the king. With a flash of ancient energy – power which felt methodically cold, but with a touch of dragon heat – clarity returned to me, clearing the vestiges of the spell I was under. I regained thought, and remembered who I was.

Jessa Lebron, daughter of Jonathon, mate of Braxton, and nothing to do with this imposter.

I rose, my movements calculated. That bastard had rolled me good, but he wouldn’t catch me off guard again. First thing first … had he said Lemon and Orange were his…

“Daughters?” The bitch twins were next to me, one on either side like they were ready to capture me should I run. “You’re the daughters of the dragon king? How is that even possible?”

They had been born years after he had been decapitated. Speaking of, how the heck was his head back on his body? Someone needed to check their sword, because head and neck looked to be firmly attached.

Larkspur decided to answer me. “When I went into battle, I had their mother hidden away and put into a sleep stasis to hide her energy. I did not want her used against me. I planned on releasing her from the spell when I returned.” A cold anger washed over him, freezing the brutal planes of his face. “I never returned, so the spell lasted a very long time. Eventually it wore off. She was pregnant at the time.”

I curled my lips at the pair. These lying hags had been doing their father’s duties for too many years now. “You also called me ‘beloved.’ You had a mate … and I already have a mate. I am not your anything.”

I spat the last lot of words at him. My dragon roared at the same time; she did not like the dragon king. I wasn’t sure when it had happened, probably a long time ago, but she was attached to Braxton. She had chosen him and so had I. And as if I had summoned him, there was a shout from behind me. The spot on my stomach pulsed and I knew help had arrived.

But I was afraid now. I couldn’t let him hurt my family.

When the king’s gaze finally lifted from me, his cold eyes trailing across the powerful group which were moving along the tunnel toward us, I took the opportunity and lunged for him, pulling a blade from my boot. The king’s gray eyes flicked back just in time. He rolled backwards, catching me in his arms, my knife buried to the hilt in his chest.

“I knew you couldn’t resist me.” His tone and smile was all charm, but it didn’t reach his eyes, and I found the lack of dimples disconcerting.

“Jessa!” Braxton’s roar shook the foundation of the stone around us. “Get away from him!”

Easier said than done, Larkspur had me firmly locked in his muscular arms and he was making no move to release me. I kicked out, aiming for his balls, because that might be my one chance to cause him pain. Judging by the lack of reaction to the dagger, he was immune to most hurts. But testicles were sensitive for even the toughest of males.

He laughed as I struggled, his hold tightening until I couldn’t breathe.

“Let her go, Larkspur,” said Louis, energy gathered in his hands. I noticed that my dad had shifted into a wolf.

Maximus stepped forward. He was all vamped out – wait, what were the other Compasses and Grace doing here? My eyes flicked down to Mischa … Grace was here and she could save her.

Jonathon must have had the same idea. He sprinted forward, his four legs faster than any of us on two, bit down on Mischa’s jacket, dragging his daughter back to safety. No one stopped him. The bad guys did not care for that particular twin anymore, she had no further use. Me, on the other hand, well, I was the king’s freaking mate or something.

Not in this fucking lifetime

The king loosened his hold again. “I am not your mate, I already have a mate,” I repeated as soon as I had enough breath. I couldn’t take my eyes off Braxton. He looked like he was about to tear apart the entire place. He was ten feet from us, I think afraid the king would hurt me if he moved closer.

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