Home > Dragon Mated (Supernatural Prison #3)(63)

Dragon Mated (Supernatural Prison #3)(63)
Author: Jaymin Eve

“Would you like a bath first, Jess?” Braxton stood beside his bed. The room was dim, just the natural wash of firelight.

I nodded, my body already humming at the thought of being naked with him. I crossed the space swiftly, but before I could push past him into the large en suite, he swept me up into his arms.

“Tonight we do things my way,” he murmur-growled at me.

I patted his shoulder. We’ll see, mate, we’ll see.

I was distracted from arguing my point as I caught sight of something inside his large, white and navy tiled bathroom. I sucked in deeply, my heartbeat pattering so hard I could feel the surge of hot blood through my veins.

I had to blink more than once, trying not quite successfully to stem the tears sprinkling in the corner of my eyes.

“When did you have time to do this for me?” My voice was breathless, my heart still pounding. My overwhelming love for Braxton had me all lightheaded.

The bath was filled, bubbles fluffy across the surface. At the far edge was a bamboo board, the kind used to hold drinks and books while in the bath. Sitting atop of it was an array of cakes, and two glasses of what looked like wine but smelt like apple cider. Nonalcoholic.

I tilted my head up to him, letting all my emotions out. “Most guys would have filled the room with candles and rose petals or some shit,” I said. “But you, my mate, know for sure the way to this shifter’s heart.” I turned back to the tub, still astonished by the collection of beautiful desserts. I knew now where he’d disappeared to at dinner, but I had no idea how he’d managed to find so many cakes. I felt extra special tonight.

He gently lowered me down, and in seconds had stripped both of our clothes off, leaving my necklace in place. We both knew it had to stay there until I was ready to crush it into Larky’s heart.

Again Braxton distracted me from food as I drank in the sight of him. As much as I appreciated his body, I hated to think the new definition to his muscles was because he’d been doing nothing but training and fighting while I was gone. I hated that he’d been in so much pain.

Time to wash that away with some new memories.

I stepped into the warm bath. Braxton followed me, and as we both sank down, water splashed over the side. Settling back, I made myself comfortable. It was a large, deep bath, with powerful jets at either end.

Braxton’s strong features were relaxed as he settled in close to me and the tray. There were a multitude of jets pulsing around us. He pulled me back against him and I found myself going all tranquil-like. We sat like that for an hour. He fed me the cake, and I even shared some of it with him. We sipped the cider, and it was warming as it made its way through my body. Between the snacking we talked about Maximus and Mischa, and I was surprised to learn that Braxton had noticed no changes in my sister or her scent. So either he hadn’t paid close enough attention, or her hybrid child was masking itself. Thankfully he didn’t fight me on keeping it from Maximus, but I could see that he doubted the information would remain secret for very long.

As the water finally started to cool, I realized how boneless I felt. These peaceful moments with my mate had my body and mind in such a happy place. For the first time in a long time things felt right.

The longer I spent pressed against the length of muscled body beneath me, the more difficult it was to ignore the urges clenching my insides. Braxton and I were newly mated, and would usually have been locked away from all civilization for the first few months. Instead, we had barely had a night together, and had a lot of time to make up for.

I spun around so I was straddling him, and his lips were on mine in seconds. I was burning up, all rational thought gone.

His hands found their way under my ass, and I was pressed so firmly against him that I could feel each and every one of those very defined muscles. The kiss deepened, my body rocking of its own accord. I moaned as his lips left mine and he started to kiss down my neck, devouring me, tasting every part of me that he could reach.

He lifted us up then, flipping our positions to press me back against the far bath wall. My head settled comfortably into the indent of the bath as he raised my lower half out of the water.

“I have to taste you,” he said.

I pretty much orgasmed right then, like no touching required at all.

Okay, some touching better be–

He lowered his head and my eyes rolled back at the first sweeping brush of his tongue. He growled, low and hypnotic. “So sweet, so perfect.”

I had to reach out and grip the side of the tub so I didn’t drown. My muscles were pretty much useless. Braxton kicked it up a notch, using his talented tongue and hands together. My breathing echoed across the room as I fought to hold off my orgasm. I know, what moron tries to prolong something like that, but it felt so damn good having his mouth on me that I really could have stayed here, in this moment, in the warmth of this bath, forever.

There was no stopping the spiraling swirl of pleasure which started at my center and ricocheted outwards. I cried out and Braxton held me firmly, keeping his mouth against me and my body above the water. My release went on forever, and yet it was nowhere near long enough. My body shuddered as he moved his mouth against me, the sensations almost too much to handle.

I reached down and dragged him up to me, crashing our lips together, before moaning again.

“Bed, now!” I was all demanding and shit, but it was in his best interest. I was going to return the favor, and there was no way I could hold my breath long enough.

We wasted no time getting out of the water. I snagged a towel, but before any drying could happen Braxton was lifting me up and we were kissing again. Long, slow drugging kisses. The urgency built for me again, and I could see that he was hard … massively hard.

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