Home > Dragon Mated (Supernatural Prison #3)(69)

Dragon Mated (Supernatural Prison #3)(69)
Author: Jaymin Eve

“Why do you receive a calling though?” I was still trying to figure out how all the pieces fit together, and most importantly, how Larky fit. Since both of their callings were about him, there must be some sort of reason for this.

The Four exchanged a glance. Somehow they could all look at each other in the same moment. Because that wasn’t weird at all.

“We don’t really know,” one of them said. “But Larkspur really angered the shining ones, and they don’t like that. They’ll take great pleasure in sending more than a little bad luck your way.”

I suppose that could all be true. The golden dragon had admitted that the shining ones were pretty unhappy with him, and would do anything in their power to ensure he never ruled the five races.

“Wait … there are five races. So why do you talk as if there are only four?”

The Four all grinned, shit-head identical grins. “There are only four original races. The fey and demi-fey are essentially the same. Thousands of years ago the demi-fey broke away and formed their own council, demanding a seat in each prison community. It was a good move, it stopped much of the discrimination they had faced over the years.”

Okay then. That was not common knowledge. They’d never taught us that in history class. Even the Compasses looked surprised.

The Four noticed our expressions. “The councils removed that part of our history lessons, so as not to isolate the demi-fey even further.”

I had nothing but respect for the demi-fey. Torag was one of my father’s oldest friends, and the troll leader was as solid as they come. In all ways. He’d be right there on the front line today, I knew that without any doubt. I was glad they were given a seat on the council.

“Are you ready for this, Jessa babe?” Maximus’ voice was deeper than usual, his hair almost black. All of the quads’ features had blended into one another again, although they were nowhere near as identical as the Four.

Cardia popped her head out from behind her mate. “Yeah, Jessa, ready to save the day again and have all the men in the world fawn over you?”

There was the snark that had been in her the very first time we’d seen her, which, to be honest, I preferred over the false friendship crap she’d been trying to feed me. I just smiled at her, all polite, but with more teeth than was warranted for a friendly grin. I wasn’t going to react, because I understood. Maximus was holding her at arm’s length for me, and no mate wanted that to happen. If the future didn’t end for us all today, I’d have to corner my vamp. Find out what was truly bothering him.

I turned my back on Cardia, no time at all for her shit. “Where’s Grace?” I asked Tyson, not seeing the witch around.

“She’s across with the other healers. There’re about twenty of them in Louis’ little posse. They’ll be helping out during the battle.” He sounded all casual, exuding so much I don’t-give-a-crap-what-Grace-does, but he was pretty informed for someone who didn’t care.

“Okay, well, I’m going to stick close to you four,” I said to my quads, “and when you figure out how to lock Larky down, I’ll crush the locket into his chest. Then we can kill him without having to destroy all the marked.” Sounded so simple when I said it like that, but we all knew that nothing to do with dragon king was simple.

I heard footsteps, and spun to find Louis and Jonathon approaching our section of Stratford’s defense line.

“The king’s army is gathering to the west,” Louis said, wasting no time. “I think they’re waiting to be at full capacity before attacking, but according to Mischa the king is already here, so the leaders have decided to hit him now, before the rest of the marked arrive.”

I nodded. Sounded like a plan to me. Less marked for the Four to contain, and less minions for the king. Win-win. Louis stepped closer, lurking inside my personal space, but lucky for him he was one of the few supes I liked enough to let this close.

“I’m going to stick with you, Jess. That way, if the Compasses are busy, I’ll be able to step in and help you with your task.”

I bristled. I was almost a hundred percent sure I could do this shit on my own. It wasn’t like smashing through someone’s chest cavity was really that difficult. But I wasn’t willing to risk my loved ones, so I’d graciously accept his assistance.

“Thanks, Louis, but if you get in my way I’ll kick you in the face.”

Totally gracious.

His long arm came out and ruffled my ponytail. “Looking forward to it.”

I swatted his arm away and stepped back into Braxton, not touching him, because his energy was just a little too much for comfort, but close enough that my mate was satisfied. See, I was not only gracious but an excellent mate.

My dragon was restless inside of me, as if she could sense all of the marked power outside the barrier. Not to mention that damn Larky. We just couldn’t get rid of him.

“Prepare yourselves.” Louis’s power-laden voice carried to all of our people. “I’m preparing to drop the securities. The quads will then lead the way. We let them do their thing, and the rest of us fit our powers in where necessary. No matter what happens, we must stop the king before he controls us all. No single leader should have dictatorship over our races. That’s why we have the councils, that’s why we all have a higher power to answer to. Now it’s time for Larkspur to answer to his.”

A sense of unity, of comradeship, filtered down the line. For many of us, our supe natures were violent and power-hungry, but we were also civilized and structured to an extent. We had to be for the supernatural communities to work. Putting five powerful races together, it would be a disaster if run any other way. Larky had forgotten that in his quest to be the most powerful, and I for one was willing to die trying to stop him.

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