Home > The Promise (Fallen Star #4)(30)

The Promise (Fallen Star #4)(30)
Author: Jessica Sorensen

Because you re going to die today.

He laughed, the sound bubbling through the orb.

No one can kill me, especially you.

I know.

She told him confidently.

But I didn t say I was going to kill you, did I?

Her hands sparkled. A swirl of light, bright colors vaulted upward.

Scutum aufero recipiam.

I inched toward the orb and quickly tried to memorize every word she spoke.

Nothing happened and Stephan tipped back his head, laughing wickedly.

I m unimpressed Aislin. And a little disappointed. I would have hoped my own daughter would be able to do better than this. Guess I set my expectations too high.

Or your arrogance too high,

Laylen said and then rammed headfirst into Stephan s gut. Their bodies cracked as they hit the floor and Laylen took a swing at Stephan s face. But Stephan blocked it and reached for his boot, yanking out a knife.

I gasped, running for them, but then slid to a stop, forgetting I couldn t touch them.

Aislin rushed for them and stabbed a knife into Stephan s wrist, right in the center of his Mark of Immortality.

Accipe bonum industria a!

Aislin faltered as she took out a small vile from her pocket and dumped the liquid on Stephan s arm, mixing it in his open wound.

Stephan elbowed Laylen and freed his hand, giving Aislin a hard slap across her cheek. She soared backward, her body knocking against the wall of the orb. Laylen sank his teeth into Stephan s arm and he retaliated with a kick to the stomach. The sphere started to spark, fading in and out.


Aislin screamed, crawling for him.

It s time to go! Now!

She extended her hand and Laylen ran. But Stephan snatched hold of his leg and he tripped to the floor. He slammed Stephan s head with the heel of his boot, clawing for Aislin.

If they didn t get Stephan off, he d transport with them. I flipped out, wondering if I was going to witness the end of one of their lives.

The orb abruptly burst with a loud thunder like a massive ocean wave rolling for land. The floor dusted with light and sparkles. One last kick from Laylen and his shoe collided with Stephan s face.

Instinctively, he jerked back, clutching his bleeding nose and lips. Laylen zipped over to Aislin and right as the Death Walkers reached the line of danger, they disappeared, going back to their lives.


Stephan cried, slamming his fist against the floor.

It s gone!

What is?

Demetrius asked, still leaning motionless against the doorway.

Stephan s eyes burned in his direction, blood streaming down his face.

My shield!

He glanced at his arm.

And my Mark of Immortality.

You can put it back on,

he said.

So relax. It s almost time.

A ringing filled the room. Stephan retrieved his phone from his cloak. He stared at the screen before wiping the blood from his face. Then he answered it.


He snarled into the receiver. A voice chattered from the other end and Stephan s face took on anger mixed with excitement. Unexpectedly he shattered the phone against the icy ground and stampeded for the door.

What is it?

Demetrius scooted out of the way.

Our stars waiting for us,

he said and then grinned as he rushed for the outside.

Demetrius followed, a fog of ice blustering against my skin as the Death Walkers flocked after them, their yellow eyes glinting.

All of them were ready to kill Alex and me.

When the room emptied, I dropped down to the floor, my heart aching because I knew what was happening outside. I stayed there for a while. I couldn t get my legs to cooperate, so I let them lay lifelessly in front of me as I watched the ice melt and puddle in the quiet room. The air began to warm and my body thawed. I didn t want to go. But I knew I had to.

Eventually, I willed myself up and took one last glance back. I could have went to the window and seen the damage outside, but I didn t want to.

When I woke up in the living room, I was lying on the couch, my feet still on Laylen as he stared at me worriedly.

What s wrong?

I sat up, looking around for danger lurking in the corners.

You were & what happened?

he asked.

I saw what Aislin did,

I said, realizing I d been crying and I dried my tears.

Did we win?

He looked at me with hope in his eyes

Does she remove the shield and the mark?

I nodded.

And so do you.

He pressed his lips together, wanting to say more. His blue eyes looked brighter somehow, maybe because they weren t burden with the mark.

Are they back yet?

I slid my legs off his lap, but he held them down.

What s wrong?

It s nothing.

He played with his lip ring.

Would you & could you explain to me why you have to die? Because I don t get it. If we removed his mark, then we can take him down.

But we can t take down everything else,

I told him.

Alana told me something while I was in the Afterlife. She said that everything was supposed to happen this way. And that the star had to die because if it lives, the portal will open. Malefiscus is part of the star and it connects the portal to us. He can t walk free without the blood of the rest of you guys, but the portal opening up will do enough damage to the world. And we I can t let it open.

I wished things were different,

he mumbled, eyebrows furrowing.

I wish I could have done things different.

I didn t say anything, not completely agreeing with him. Yes, I wished most of my life had been different. But there were a few things I wouldn t change.

A bang shook the floor and I jumped to my feet, searching for a knife.

Sophia s still down there,

Laylen unnecessarily explained and pulled me back down.

I know,

I said, glancing over my shoulder at the kitchen.

Could you do me a favor?

Anything you want, Gemma.

Could you free Sophia?

I asked.

After all this is over. Don t just leave her down there.

He titled his head to the side, his blue-tipped bangs falling across his forehead.

You don t hate her for what she did to you?

I considered my answer carefully.

I don t hate her, but I don t really like her either. It s kind of strange, I guess because I know all those years her mind wasn t her own. But all the pain she caused is still fresh in my mind. She s my grandmother though, and I don t want her locked underneath the house forever.

He fidgeted with his lip ring, perplexed in his own thoughts.

Gemma, how do you know for sure that you won t be around for this? How do you know you re going to die and Alex s isn t?

I leaned in, lowering my voice.

Can you keep a secret?

Chapter 44


Aislin dropped us in front of the house, letting out a shiver, as the cold air encircled her.

Are you sure you want to do this?

she asked again, wrapping her arms around herself.

Because maybe there s another way. We still have a little time left.

I shook my head, opening the gate.

There s no other way, Aislin. Time s up. This is it.

Well, I m waiting here.

She refused to step onto the sidewalk.

That s fine.

I walked for the front steps.

I d rather do this on my own, anyway.

I banged on the door, causing an eruption of howls from the neighborhood dogs.

Open up! I know you re in there.

Next door, an old woman stepped out onto her porch.

Keep it down. We don t want any nonsense.

I banged on the door again, this time louder.

No one lives there,

the old woman hissed, tying her robe.

Now leave or I ll call the police.

I shook my head, giving the door a good hard kick, and then I stomped down the stairs, grabbing Aislin by the arm and headed down the street.

Where are we going?

Aislin trotted to keep up.

Just keep walking.

I glanced over my shoulder at the old woman who was still watching us. I turned the corner, rounding the back, and hopped over the fence to the back door.

Wait here,

I instructed and left Aislin on the bottom steps.

I checked the back door and the window, but both were locked. I kicked the house.

Dammit! I don t have time for this crap.

I punched my fist through the window, cutting my knuckles.

Alex! Aislin cried over the howl of the dogs, but I was already diving headfirst through the window.

Her wail blasted my ears as soon as I hit the floor. I didn t bother taking out my knife, because I was already giving her what she wanted. I ran up the stairs and kicked down the door.

Way to make an entrance,

the Banshee sung from the windowsill, her blond hair white in the pale moonlight.

But you could have just knocked.

I took a deep breath, ready to make my offer, but she held up her hand.

Let me guess,

she said, whisking from the window.

You found your mother, but now she s trapped in the Afterlife, paying her debt until Helena will let her walk the world again.

I started to nod, but then shook my head.

But that s not why I m here.

Her eyes were curious, her smile malicious.

Then tell me, what do you want from me?

She circled, tracing her finger across my shoulder.

I can be very giving if asked the right question.

I clutched my hands into fists, knowing this wasn t easy. But it was right. And that was all that matter.

I m ready to make a bargain with you.

A few minutes later, I returned outside, this time using the door. Aislin was waiting for me on the steps, in the crisp snow, shivering and chattering.

Can we go now? I m freezing my butt off.

You should have worn a jacket,

I handed her mine.

I didn t even think about it.

She put the jacket on and zipped it up.

All I could think about was you saying you re going to die.

I rubbed my hands across my face, taking in what I d just done. I felt different, sacred, but less burdened.

It ll be okay. You ll be okay.

She kicked her boots at the snow.

I know you think this is how this is supposed to work, but why can t someone save you too?

Because I m not worth it.

I stared at the sky.

I ve lived my life, did a lot of crappy things, and now it s time to make up for it.

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