Home > The Devil's Kiss (Magical Sword #3)(33)

The Devil's Kiss (Magical Sword #3)(33)
Author: Stacey Kennedy

Apprehension spread across his face. Why shouldn’t he be afraid? I could destroy him where he stood, but I didn’t want to do that. Something made me hesitate from taking my rage out on him.

Kyden was right behind him, but he didn’t stop and didn’t look afraid. He stalked right toward me.

“Stay away from me,” I growled.

“No,” he growled back, threw his body at me.

The second his body landed on top of mine, I was flooded with heart-wrenching despair as my mind cleared and I realized what had just happened. Even his connection was fading. The bond with Magnus was taking me to the one place I thought it would never reach.

“Kyden…” I exhaled.

“I am here,” he stated with a heartrending sigh.

Chapter Fifteen

The smell of flowers and thriving grass was all around me. I circled around, my gaze running across a view of a beautiful garden. As much as it pleased me to be surrounded by a natural wonder, something pleased me more. “Magnus,” I called out.

Magnus chuckled softly and suddenly appeared beside me. “Hello, beauty,” he purred.

I smiled back in return. Every part of me was glad to be with him. Happiness rang high in my soul. “Where am I?” My voice sounded songlike.

“This is the dreaming,” Magnus replied, taking my hand.

I glanced down toward our joined hands. It had never felt so right. “You can enter someone’s dreams?”

“I can enter yours.”

He pulled me down to sit on the soft grass in front of a rushing brook. Reaching over, I ran my hands through the cold stream. It felt so real—too real.

My gaze drew back to him as he reached up, brushed his fingers against my cheek. “I am glad to see you.”

I leaned into his hand, a touch never felt so good. “Me too.”

He squirmed in closer, leaned down to take my lips. His kisses were slow and savoring. He didn’t rush anything about it. There was no heat in them, just love and adoration. This wasn’t about ravishing my body, he wanted to enjoy it.

I grabbed onto his shirt, pulled him closer, and our lips met with the softest of touches. With every glide of his tongue, caress of his lips, I melted into him further.

He sighed deeply, then released me. His expression shone of intense longing. “What do I have to do to show you? To get you to see that my only wish is your happiness? To give you everything you ever wanted?”

“I believe you,” I whispered. And I did. I believed he would give me everything I wanted and more. I would never go without. Never be in danger again. He would protect me always. I didn’t doubt it for a moment.

His face softened and he leaned back in to take my lips. Seconds later, I was na**d. I wasn’t sure which of us did it, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that his soul was connected to mine, and we were about to deepen our bond.

There was nothing dominating about him, nothing that pushed for this. He lowered me back slowly until I lay on the ground before him, then he lifted his head to gaze upon me. “You are utterly exquisite.”

I blinked. When my vision returned, he was na**d too.

I rejoiced in seeing his brilliant body. Every muscle cut splendidly, hard lines defining his sculpted physique. Nearly bald head, high cheekbones, dark eyes were all superb. He was all mine to savor and enjoy. His square chest meshed with deeply defined abs that led to a glorious V, which met large-toned thighs, and a perfect part that made him purely male.

He lowered himself between my legs, and kissed along my neck, nibbling, teasing until I began squirming beneath him, urged him to take my body and claim me. His hand ran the length of my body and he reached down, tested my readiness for him. When I soaked his fingers with a pure need to have him, he groaned deeply.

“I would take the time to pleasure you until you are well satisfied, but I fear we do not have the time. I need to take you.” His voice was tight with urgency.

His words confused me. Why didn’t we have time? We were meant to be together. Why did we have to rush? When he pressed himself against me, thoughts fled my mind. I moaned as he slowly entered me. He slid inside me and spread my thighs wider with his legs to give him a deeper reach.

Nothing felt more beautiful.

He didn’t thrust deeply, but moved slowly, his eyes glowed as he looked down at me. I lifted my h*ps to meet his as little flickers of pleasure began to overtake me. Finally, everything felt just as it should be. To feel skin against skin and know our bond was at last settling into place.

My soul was thrilled—I was his.

This was nothing about possession. This was about two souls that were meant to belong together finally becoming one. I reached up to cup his face as he began to increase his speed. Never had my body responded like this, my body was completely and utterly aroused by him.

Without as much as a hard thrust, he had me cl**axing, his body hitting the perfect spot over and over again. He was meant to be inside me, the perfect length and thickness to hit the source of my pleasure constantly.

As my body tightened around him, he lowered his head to mine so our gazes locked, unable to look away from each other. “Yes, give yourself to me.”

Only a stroke later, my orgasm tore through me, leaving me to shudder beneath him. He never stopped moving slowly. Never stopped gazing at me. The longer it continued, the more he glowed. Apparently, he needed this to seal our bond, to feel me give myself enough to orgasm because he was overjoyed.

Within minutes, he had me right there again, but this time his face was intense, he was about to finish.

Just then, a scream cut through the sensation.

“What was that?” I gasped, my orgasm exploded through me, even though my mind was telling me that something was wrong. Magnus began pumping harder, needing to finish.

A hard slap on my face startled me.

“What?” I managed as the lingering effects of my release tingled.

Magnus let out a deep groan as he shuttered his release. Then, he raised his hand to me face, sighed with annoyance. “Soon I will have you and take your body as I like.” He smiled.

A black flash filled my eyes. Then, I was back in my bedroom, lying on the bed with Zia slapping my face hard. Haven and Finn were there as was Talon. Kyden was shaking me, yelling.

Zia slapped my face again hard. “Ouch,” I complained.

Her face relaxed from its grave position. “Are you okay?” she asked quickly.

My head was swimming. I couldn’t quite grasp what had happened. Haven sobbed loudly.

“What happened?” I asked Kyden, grabbing his hand to feel the connection to him. It was still there, but weaker than before.

Kyden looked tightly wound, torn to pieces. “He was f**king you,” he growled.

Clarity emerged. “Oh God…no.” I had just given myself willingly to Magnus. What had I done?

“Nexi,” Zia shook me. “Do not feel shame over this. He took you in the dreaming. You are not as strong there. You would not have had the ability to refuse him.”

My tears came hastily, my voice all but a broken whisper. “Kyden…”

“No,” he shouted, causing me to jump. “He does not get to f**k you.”

Talon lunged forward, punched Kyden in the face, which knocked him straight to the ground. Kyden slowly raised his gaze to Talon, then he erupted.

The two of them were rumbling around the floor, scuffling in anger with Haven screaming for them stop. Suddenly, she passed out. Finn lunged toward her and scooped her up. Obviously, the situation was too much for her to handle.

“Stop it,” I roared in a voice that wasn’t my own, and with it I sent a blast of Air, separating Talon and Kyden. Annoyed, I urgently just wanted to be alone. When these idiots were fighting over…

What were they fighting over? Me being with Magnus? But why would that upset them?

With that, my annoyance shifted to rage. Why was I here? Where was Magnus?

“You fool,” Talon spat. “She needs you. This was not her choice.”

Kyden’s shoulders sank in defeat. “I can’t take this.”

Zia suddenly propelled me forward, pushed me into Kyden’s lap. My mind returned to me, I grabbed his arms and held them tight, as they lay lifeless. “I love you, Kyden. I love you.”

My heart sank as it was beginning to feel like those were just words with no emotion behind them. I knew a part of me loved him, but it was such a small part now, and I couldn’t quite remember what loving him meant.

Kyden slowly met my eyes, and the thin line of love I felt plummeted. “It is not enough, Álainn.” With that, he stood and left.

My butt hit the floor as I slumped to the ground. Empty. Confused. Angry. The moment shared with Magnus had stirred something in me. It solidified our bond, made me need him more. Want him more and miss him terribly. Seeing Kyden walk away made me feel nothing.

“How did you know?” I asked Zia, my voice cold, empty and flat. What I really wanted to ask is why did you stop it?

“Willow’s hissing woke up Kyden and he came to me. Just as he did, Haven appeared, sensing something was wrong. When I came to you, I read into you, saw what was happening,” Zia said, grabbing my hands in hers.

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