Home > The Devil's Kiss (Magical Sword #3)(35)

The Devil's Kiss (Magical Sword #3)(35)
Author: Stacey Kennedy

Now resuming a non-horizontal position with my mind leaving my erotic needs, I glanced through the crowd, my gaze stopped on Zia. She was crying, and Talon was restraining Kyden. Something in me tingled. I couldn’t understand why Zia was crying. What was making her so unhappy? It began to eat at me a little. I was annoyed she wasn’t happy for me. She should be happy for me.

Kyden’s expression just stunned me. This did not look like a face who was about to have a challenge. That gave a thought to rise. “Why is he challenging for me?” I asked Magnus.

For the life of me, I just couldn’t remember the reasons for it. Kyden was nothing to me. There were no feelings there. What could this be about? Why was he so intent on keeping someone who cared nothing for him and wanted to be with someone else? None of it made any sense.

Magnus gave me a reassuring squeeze and a soft smile. “He is after something that does not belong to him is all. Don’t fret, this will not take long and then we can be alone.”

I nodded, fully confident that he would handle Kyden quickly. The Guardian didn’t stand a chance at defeating him, which made me wonder why he would even bother. He was committing suicide. My confusion deepened, I had better things to do than witnessing this stupid fight. “Make it fast,” I told him, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

Magnus’ eyes flared with heat as he read my lustful intentions. “There is something we must do first and I want the Guardian to see this.” He pulled me into the center of the auditorium, then turned to the crowd, his voice rang out with authority. “Welcome all.”

When he wrapped his arm around me, I sank in beside him. It felt so right to be encased in his warmth. So good in fact, I could only wonder how I ever lived without him.

Magnus continued, “Before we see to this challenge, it is in my right to claim what is mine, and I will do so.”

The room applauded and I laughed. Most looked as thrilled as I was. This was perfect in every way. Finally, my life was going to settle into something great and I owed that to Magnus. I wouldn’t see death anymore—no more pain—just happiness.

“Azar come to us. Seal our bond.”

A Warlock stepped forward. He was old and powerful, and looked oddly familiar, but I just couldn’t place him. He had long white hair that swept across his body in the most masculine way. His face was scruffy, his gray eyes deep.

He stopped in front of me and took my hand in his. “It is a pleasure, Lady Nexi.” Then, held up a long black dress that was cut low in the front and the back.

Magnus stepped in front of me, unclipped my bra, then let my kilt fall to the floor. His gaze roamed over my bare br**sts and smiled sensually. Normally, I’d feel embarrassed standing na**d in a room of strangers, but with Magnus’ smoldering eyes at me, I could hardly care.

Desire burned through me.

He ran his hands down my arms, lifted them above my head, and slowly draped the dress down my body. When it settled into place, it fit perfectly—everything was perfect.

“Now you look just as you should to rule the Underworld.” Magnus smiled, and lightly kissed my lips. Then, he backed away and turned to Azar, giving him a nod to begin.

“Lord Magnus you have been given a wonderful gift in our Lady Nexi. Is it your wish to take her as your Lady?” he asked Magnus.

Magnus smiled gloriously. “It is my wish.”

I gave him a little kiss for that.

Azar looked to me, happiness nearly glowed on his features. “Is it your wish Lady Nexi to accept Lord Magnus as your Lord?”

“Nexi,” Kyden roared a desperate plea.

My gaze hit his, Talon had him on the ground now, forcing him still¯by the look of the strain on Talon’s face, it wasn’t an easy task. Only adding to my confusion of what this was all about. Why was he so angered?

A finger came under my chin before I could finish my thought. I allowed my head to turn, Magnus gave a soft smile. “It is time to hear your answer,” he said.

Focused back on him, I returned the smiled. “Yes, it’s my wish to bond with you.” Tears glistened my eyes. How could I be so lucky? Magnus was everything I ever dreamed of. Tall, dark and handsome—perfectly mine.

“Before you followers, and as my right within the Underworld, I hereby declare that Lord Magnus and Lady Nexi have now recognized their wish to seal their bond before us.” Then, he nodded toward Magnus. “Take her my Lord, seal your bond.”

Magnus wistfully pulled me into his arms and kissed me deep enough that left me weak in the knees.

In an instant, my soul screamed out in happiness as our bond settled into place. A joining, which had me feeling him deeper, experiencing what he had, tying our magical abilities together. I felt stronger than ever. I never needed nothing, or anyone else besides him. He was all I ever wanted, and I would make it my job to see that he was always happy, cared for, and safe.

When he drew away, he wiped the tears off my face with his fingers. “I knew my plan would lead us to this.”

“I’m sorry I have been so difficult,” I whispered, shamefully. And I meant it. I was wrong to reject him, and shame sunk deep that he had to go to such measures to get my help when he needed it. That would never happen again. More than that, too, I refused his interest in me. Which at the present, I couldn’t quite remember the reasons for denying him for so long. The only thing I knew was that I had. Nothing about that felt good.

“That is long forgotten,” Magnus smiled gloriously, “Nothing will separate us, now.” Then, he kissed my lips softly. Not desire filled, but showing that he wanted nothing more than to share his life, his duty as Lord of the Underworld with me.

“Let us rejoice in our new leader,” Azar shouted, sending the entire crowd to erupt in screams of delight.

Just as the crowd silenced, Azar took my hand in his and with it came a blast of pain between my shoulder blades just at the base of my neck. “What was that?” I screamed out, then reached up to touch the mark of pain. My skin felt raw and sore.

“You have been marked as a ruler of the Underworld.” He handed me two mirrors, which appeared out of thin air. “This is the mark you have been granted.”

I raised the mirrors and moved my hair to the side to reveal a black willow tree that looked more tribal than anything. It was beautiful. The longer I looked at it, I noticed it slowly moved, weaved around itself.

A willow tree.

Here was that damn tree again. What was and the connection between me and this friggin tree? My confusion continued as I met Azar’s gaze. “Why a tree?” My voice was puzzled.

“This is the mark you have been given,” Azar told me simply. “It holds special meaning to you.”

What special meaning?

Azar took the mirrors and when he did, they simply vanished. “It is an exquisite mark for a unique being.”

“What mark do you have?” I asked Magnus.

He turned around, and removed his shirt to reveal a black serpentine that was gloriously dark. I ran my fingers across it, marveled at its beauty. It seemed to move with my touch, followed my movements.

“This is my family’s crest,” Magnus told me quietly. “Now that you have been granted yours, your followers can draw this mark into their ruin to serve as an offering to you.”

“Oh! Does that mean that I have accepted the darkness now?” I asked hopeful.

Azar shook his head, answering for Magnus. “Not at this time. We will save that for another time.”

My heart sank. I wanted to accept it. To be a complete part of Magnus realm.

Magnus looked inquisitively at Azar. “Why wait?”

“Let us make it a beautiful thing,” Azar responded with a grin. “These ceremonies were necessary, but I believe that you and Lady Nexi will get more enjoyment out of the process if you are alone.”

Magnus eyes went molten. “Yes, you are right,” he told him. “It will be quite enjoyable alone.”

“I don’t want to wait,” I told him angrily.

He laughed and kissed my lips before he said, “I want you to be na**d, and my body pleasuring you when I give you the magic. It will make for a more intense experience.”

Warmth spread right through me and lingered right between my thighs. “Mmm, sounds good,” I purred, slowly rubbing my hand down his chest until I met the hard bulge in his pants.

Magnus groaned at the contact.

A deep gasp drew my eyes away. I glanced toward it to see Kyden shaking tremendously. Why was he looking so unhappy? “What…” I started.

Something stung within me. Just as quickly, it vanished, leaving only questions to remain.

Why wasn’t Kyden thrilled like everyone else? If he respected me at all, he would be ecstatic that I have finally found my soul mate. He was being selfish, and that thought made me hate every bone in his body. He was just jealous of my happiness. Now, I was only too glad that Magnus was going to make him suffer for it.

Magnus took my chin in hand, drawing my eyes back to him. “That is no concern of yours. Go stand with Misa, let me deal with this.” His face darkened and his body tensed with the awaiting battle.

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