Home > Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(65)

Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(65)
Author: Nashoda Rose

Jedrik winked at Danni then a few crumbles of what looked like chips fell from his mouth.

She smiled. “Does that mean junk food is present? Because I’m starved.”

Jedrik held up a bag of non-rippled potato chips. “Done.”

She pointed at the bag of chips then playfully smacked my chest. “See, I told you.”

“Mmm,” I mumbled while taking in the room, three bottles of Coke, three bags of chips, and an empty pizza box. No Kilter or Keir.

“Kilter?” I asked.

“Next door,” Jedrik said. “We couldn’t take his bitching anymore, so we got him the extra room. Friggin’ guy refuses to sleep. All he does is pace back and forth, swearing and cursing.” Jedrik’s eyes glowed bright gold as he directed his gaze at the wall. “Yep, still pacing back and forth. Guaranteed that guy hasn’t slept since all this went down.”

“Is he manageable?”

Jedrik shrugged as he dug his hand into the chip bag then shoved a bunch in his mouth. “Guess so. Had a little altercation when he collapsed a couple hours ago. I laughed my ass off. Kilter doesn’t like to be laughed at.”

Delara snorted.

Danni slipped away from me and went into the washroom. I heard the shower turn on and the image of her naked body under the heated spray had me shifting uneasily. All the way here, I’d wanted to pull over and fuck her after what she’d done in that cave. “Where’s Keir?”

“Oh, this part is so good.” Jedrik sat on the edge of the bed and faced the TV. “Frig, he can shoot an arrow.” I glanced at the screen and saw Lord of the Rings: Return of the King playing. Without turning his gaze from the TV, Jedrik continued, “Yeah, grabbing something to eat. He wasn’t into pizza or chips. Something about health, Anstice, and making babies.”

I walked over and sat in the wooden chair at the small table. Delara sat beside me and pushed her iPad closer to me. On the screen were the plans of the compound.

“Hack sent me this. Twelve-foot brick wall all the way around the place,” she said. “One entrance with twenty-four seven security. Walls are not a problem for us, except for motion sensors. We have no chance getting through without setting off all kinds of warning bells.” She pointed to three buildings. “He could be in any one of these. All five stories high and most likely underground lower levels. We’ll need Danni to try to contact Ryker and see if he can give us his location.”

We continued discussing the layout and the rest of the information Hack had discovered, which was minimal. It was a large facility, but very secretive. We had learned a scientist owned it and it was supposedly some laboratory for gene research. A cover story, no doubt.

“We’ll go in tomorrow night,” I said.

“Fuck that.” Kilter stood in the doorway. He was pale and had dark circles under his eyes. “I’ll get him out.”

Delara snorted. “You can barely stand up.”

“You haven’t watched the place for the last two days have you?” Kilter retorted. “The motion sensors are off during the day. Most likely because it’s daylight and the place is as open as a golf course. Guards walk the perimeter instead. I can get around the guards.”

“Not in your state,” Jedrik mumbled, his eyes still fixated on the television.

“Where’s the amulet?” Kilter’s eyes narrowed on the bathroom door. “She in there?”

I tensed as Kilter walked toward the bathroom, but I got there before he did, blocking his path.

“Get out of my way, asshole,” Kilter said. “I want the amulet.”

“She’ll be out in a sec.” I lowered my voice. “But you want to fuck with me, go right ahead.”

The bathroom door opened and Danni stood there, hair soaking wet, cheeks flushed from the hot water. She looked at us and it was obvious she figured out what the standoff was about. She reached in her back pocket and pulled out the amulet, then shoved it into Kilter’s chest. “You’re an asshole.”

“I never claimed otherwise.” His fingers curled around the clothed amulet. “Try to reach him.”

Danni ignored him and walked over to sit on the bed beside Jedrik and towel-dried her hair. “You haven’t slept in what?” She cocked her head to the side and I smirked. She was reading Kilter’s thoughts. “Days. Well then, I’m certain I could land you on your ass in about five seconds flat despite my lack of training.”

Kilter’s body stiffened. His lips pursed together as he glared at her. He hesitated a few seconds before he turned on his heel and walked from the room.

Jedrik whistled. “See his face? Right pissed.”

I sighed. “Kilter’s dangerous. He’s on the brink of breaking and I don’t trust him.”

“So in other words—not a team player,” Jedrik said.

Delara threw her empty pop can at Jedrik’s head. He ducked, but not in time. “Cool it, Arrow. Balen’s right. Kilter is lethal. And even though you’re a pain in my ass, I want you to live.”

Jedrik put his hands to his heart. “Love you too, Sass.”

By the time I had showered, Keir was back and discussing something with Delara and Jedrik. Kilter had returned, leaning up against the dresser with his arms crossed, and Danni was sitting on the bed looking just as pissed off as Kilter. I guessed the two had had words again.

I walked over to the bed and sat beside her. “Ready?” She crossed her legs and nodded. “It helps to picture the person in your mind. His voice, what he looks like, his attitude.” I put my hand on her thigh. “Focus on Ryker alone.”

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