Home > Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(77)

Stygian (Scars of the Wraiths #1)(77)
Author: Nashoda Rose

“Danni.” It was like being stabbed over and over again. I hated seeing her like this.

“Release him or we will be forced to harm you,” Edan said with a menacing tone.

“Do it then,” Danni shouted. “Because that’s what you do best. Harm innocent people. So do whatever you want to me because if Balen is guilty, then so am I.”

“Christ,” Keir said, walking in from the kitchen. He went to stand in front of Anstice like a shield.

“Danni,” Anstice warned.

I reached between us and cupped her chin. “Danni, I’m guilty.” When she went to object, I put my finger to her lips. “We’ve known this was coming. Shit, I’ve known for two years.” My thumb slowly grazed over the cleft in her chin. “You’re a Scar, Danni. The others will watch over you, teach you. They’re your family now.”

“But I need you.” Danni tightened her hold around my neck. “I can’t do this. I thought . . . I thought I was strong enough, but I’m not. Don’t leave me.” Tears streaked down her face and landed on my shirt.

I pried her fingers from around my neck.

“No.” Danni shook her head. “Never. They can’t take you. I won’t let them.”

I raised my head, breaking my gaze from the heart-wrenching pain I saw in Danni’s eyes. I looked at Keir and nodded. Keir approached and took Danni by the shoulders, pulling her away. She struggled at first and then stopped, her eyes meeting mine.

“You’re not your father. Remember that. You’re strong and courageous. Be the woman I fell in love with. Be that survivor, little one. You need to let me go now.”

Tor touched my arm and, within seconds, we vanished.

I SCREAMED, FALLING TO my knees and holding my head in my hands, body shaking. This was what my father felt every single day he lived without my mother. This was why he wanted to end his life. I understood now. I felt his pain, knew it like it was my second skin. And it hurt like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

I’d thought I was prepared. He wore the gold bands; I’d felt them on my body, reminding me that he’d be taken from me, but the reality had never hit until this moment.

I didn’t bother wiping away my tears. “What will happen to him?” I looked up at Keir.

“He’ll remain imprisoned until the Deaconry votes on his punishment again.”

“Can I visit him?”

“No,” Keir said.

“Will we be together again?”

“Probably not.”

A sob escaped and I swallowed several times. Did it matter anymore? Did anything matter? I loved him and he’d been torn from my arms. I didn’t understand. Refused to understand how Balen, after all he suffered and had done for us, could be imprisoned.

Kilter stormed into the room with a severe limp. His face was haggard and his eyes were narrowed into slits of fury. He still had blood on his legs and shoulder. “What the fuck is going on?”

I glanced up at him then looked away. Suddenly his hand was around my upper arm and he yanked me off the floor then shoved me onto the couch. I had no energy to refuse.

I heard them talking, yet everything was a blur: the drowning, the transformation, Ryker, the Wraiths. I was numb except for desolation. How could I live without him?

I remembered him giving me water through the bars of the cage despite him being in so much pain. I’d been a stranger to him then, and yet, he . . . he sacrificed his sister, his Scars to stop me from being tortured. He gave his life for me.

“Danni.” Anstice came and sat on the couch beside me, taking my hands.

I remembered his smile, his laugh that made my insides light up like a Christmas tree, his hands that made my skin tingle and my heart skip a beat.

Oh, God, he was letting me go. His last words to me were clear—he was letting me go. Except I didn’t want to be let go, damn it. For the first time in my life, I wanted a man to love, to laugh with, to grow old with.

But I’d never grow old now. I was a Scar. Immortal. Alone and immortal.

Anstice pulled me into her arms. “I’m sorry, Danni. God, I’m so sorry.”

The air in the room shifted, and tension rose as a cloud of mist swirled near the mantel. Within seconds, Waleron appeared, his expression the same as always—stone cold.

He opened his candy dispenser and slipped a white pill on his tongue. “Where’s Delara?”


“Where. Is. She?” Waleron demanded.

“She took off as soon as the plane landed,” Keir said.

“Where to?” Waleron asked.

“She flew back with us, but didn’t say where she was going,” Keir answered.

Waleron’s gaze landed on Jedrik. “Find her.” Jedrik swore beneath his breath. Waleron raised his hand as Kilter began to speak. “You’ll remain here until I decide what’s to be done in Newfoundland.” Waleron lowered his voice. “Assist Danielle in learning her acquired skills.”

“This is bullshit.” Kilter kicked out at the little coffee table.

Waleron scowled. “Newfoundland is a liability until the compound is destroyed.”

“I can do that alo—”

Waleron interrupted Kilter. “No. You will not do it alone. And if you disobey me, I’ll put you in Rest.”

Waleron glanced over at me, and a shiver ran down my spine at his direct, cold stare. “I’ll return when the decision regarding Balen has been reached.” He left in a cloud of mist.

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